Chapter 26 - Two Coach Tickets

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Week One without Dalton

Dear Daddy,

            I visited Lisa my penguin yesterday. She's gotten so big. When she saw me she slid down the ice on her stomach and almost hit the glass wall. It was really funny. Momma's planning my birthday party too. It's going to be small but all my friends are coming. For my birthday I only want two things: a Sofia the First jeep and for you to come to my birthday party. I hope you can make it. I miss you sssooo much and I know mama does too. I love you daddy and tell Nana and Pop-pop I love them too.

Love Skylar Newton

It's the third letter Skylar's had me to write this week alone. Every day there's something knew that she wants to tell him. At first I tried to convince her that one letter once a week was enough but she was too scared that she'd forget something. Every letter was basically the same: what I did today, what I'd want to do if you were here, and how much I miss you. The first couple of times I shed a few tears which only sparked Skylar's inquisitive side. If only she were old enough to understand. 'But would it really change anything if she could?' I thought as I sealed the envelope and placed it on the table.

When I was with Harold it didn't take long for me to get over him because we were already so distant - almost a world apart. We barely saw each other and when we did it was either awkward silences or loud arguments. Not a very healthy relationship. On the other hand I spent almost every day with Dalton weather it was a day out with Skylar or just him trying to find a way to be alone with me. Now Dalton and I were literally a world apart and it felt like I had lost a piece of myself. One week and I still hadn't started to readjust to life without him.

Sometimes in my sleep I'm awoken by noises and expect to find Dalton on the other side of the door. He'd be waiting with a smile and a hand up ready to catch my bat because he knew I wasn't a morning type of person. In reality a bunch of drunk college students were returning from a while night out. Enjoy it now while you can because heartache and pain await you in the future. I was so lost in my own self-loathing that I hadn't noticed Skylar had entered the kitchen.

"I'm ready mama!" she said as she took a seat and reached for her letter. We'd visit the Post office on our way to school and then later we'll check again to see if Dalton had responded to any of her previous letters. So far none had come but Sky refused to give up hope. I placed a bowl of cereal in front of her and proceeded to attempt to tame her bed hair. "Did you write a letter mama?" she said between spoonful's of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Not today honey." She asked the same question every day and every day I gave the same answer but a new excuse. I was too tired, maybe tomorrow, there aren't enough stamps. Truth was I didn't know what to write and even if I did who's to say that Dalton will care to know what I have to say.

"Mama please! It won't hurt to try." It may not hurt to try but it will hurt to get more rejected than I already have. Skylar looked up to me with her hands cupped together prayer style, a poked out bottom lip, and those big brown eyes like her father.

"One letter and that's it. We do the letter for you not me. No more asking after this." I say as Skylar wraps my side in a big hug and returns to her food. I know I'm a coward for giving in but at least it will keep her calm for a while.

I returned to the counter with a blank sheet of paper What to I write?

'Dear Dalton.' It's so bland, over used and expected. Be more casual Scar.

'Howdy there.' That was too casual. He'll think you're desperate and failing to hide it. He's a future king so address him like a future king.

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