Chapter 2 - The Walk of Shame

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When I came out of the bathroom I expected her to be gone but at the same time I wanted her to stay. We only talked for a brief moment before things escalated but she seemed like a lovely young lady. She was intelligent, beautiful, and fierce – which was what most of my exes were like. Though it seemed like there was something else there that intrigued me but I couldn't quite figure it out. I sat on the bed running a hand through my wet hair. Scarlett. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I should have stayed in the bed until she woke up, offered her breakfast, hell if things went good maybe even tell her who I really am. It would be nice to talk to someone other than my guards. I'm surprised she didn't run into them on her way out. It took a double of one month salary just to convince them to let me out for a little fun last night. Maybe they saw where she went. I could find her and ask her out on a proper date or would that be too weird. She probably would think it weird if I randomly showed up on her doorstep. Good Lord why can't I get this vixen of a woman out my head.

"Prince Dalton are you ready for breakfast?" Said James, my head guard. James went with me everywhere so he knew a lot of secrets about me and I knew they were safe with him, even from my parents - well most of the time.

"Yes James. Bring it in." I said waving them into the room. The waiter laid out a full breakfast for two on the table. James must have told them I had company last night and assumed she would still be here.

"Join me for breakfast James. It seems I have more food than I could possibly eat by myself. I wonder why the chef made so much?" I said looking sideways at James as he took a seat across from me.

"I don't know your Highness. Maybe he got a little excited in the kitchen." He said knowing all too well that I knew he was the cause of it. "So where is your female companion your Highness?"

"I don't know James. She was gone by the time I finished showering. I thought about sending you to find her but I assumed that would seem a little stalkerish."

"Yes I suppose it would but if you would like us to find her we will. I'm sure the hotel has security cameras that will assist in finding her."

"No that's alright, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe on my next vacation out to the states I might find her again." I said around a mouth full of pancakes.

"Are you certain sir? Your father won't be happy to hear that you did not find a bride here in America. He made it very clear that he needed this alliance through you in order to gain finances for the country." James said with a concerned look on his face. He knew how my father got when he didn't get his way. More importantly he knew what he did when he didn't get his way.

"My Father will be fine. I don't need a bride for another six years. He can wait a little longer to get his bride and his money." I said. In Ravensburg England a prince was not allowed to take the throne until he was thirty and the only way he could be crowned before then was if the king died or was unable to lead due to illness and I knew neither would come anytime soon. "When does the plane leave James?"

"In two hours your Highness."

"Then I should start getting ready." I said leaving the table to pack my things and gather my thoughts.


I thought it would be embarrassing for my rebound to see me right after he got out the shower but what was more embarrassing was all the shocked faces staring at me in the hallway. What, you never saw a girl leave from a one night stand? "Hey sorry for the interruption." I said waving to the people that walked by. I made my way to the elevator and out the front door with my head down avoiding direct eye contact with anyone for fear of someone noticing me. I caught a cab back to campus and made my way to my room where Sarah was beating down my door demanding me to open up. I tried to sneak back around the corner so she wouldn't see me but it was already too late.

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