Chapter 33 - Mission is a Go!

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It seemed to take forever for the time to come. I sat at the back solemnly watching Dalton hold a tearful Patricia as Rolonda held a surprisingly still faced Parker. A light red glow around Rolonda's eyes peered through her makeup giving signs that many tears had been shed. Dalton was turnt away from me but it was inevitable that he had as well. It hurt to my bones that I couldn't console him. What hurt even worse was that every time a camera flew by the royal family Hailee would lay her head of Dalton's shoulder. The casket had remained closed the entirety of the funeral so far as dignitaries came to read scriptures and give kind words.

Finally the priest announced the time for the final viewing as the directors came to the casket side to prepare. I looked towards Sarah who apparently was just as emotional as the actually family for someone who had never met the man before.

"What? You know when I see other people cry it makes me cry too. Thats why I don't watch sad movies." She whispered. I shook my head with a smile and looked back towards James. He gave a nod and tapped at his watch. I picked up the hint and made my way towards the door that James held open to the lobby. James quickly led me around the corner and down a long narrow hall before reaching the end. He made three quick knocks on wall and then three knocks responded to us. Suddenly the wall pushed open revealing a bright light and a worried Kris.

With a nod and not a word Kris stuffed me into the back seat of a tinted suv and hurriedly drove us to the castle. Upon arrival I had precisely thirty minutes to get in and out unnoticed. Running was never one of my favorite things to do but I had to indulge in it a bit today in order to meet my goal. Through the doors and up the stairs I went. I didn't worry about being seen since all employees were dismissed for the day. I passed by Dalton's room and three more before I reached Hailee's completely out of breathe. Normally I'd lie and say that I was embarrassed by my extreme fatigue right now and would immediately join a gym but that would be a waste of mental capacity.

The door wasn't locked so that saved me ten minutes of googling how to pick a lock. Inside the room looked exactly like Daltons but instead of green walls and gold trims this one had red walls and black trims. She had clothes strewn across the room both elegant gowns and casual clothes. Someone obviously had a rough morning. Twenty-seven minutes and counting.

I started my search with her desk, then under the bed, the couch, and the dressers. I checked every drawer there could be and found nothing. I found a few totes under the bed but they only held the basic feminine products that every woman needed. Fifteen minutes and counting. I rose from my spot next to bed patting my head. There's always a squeaky floor board in the tv shows. Why can't there be one here? I started prancing around the room stepping hard on the ends on each board but none budged. There was only one place let to check and that was the closet. I had saved it for last since it seemed most of her actual close were already out here spread across the floor.

I opened the doors wide to reveal a giant walk in closet - the perfect place to hide a secret. The walls were lined with clothes and shelves above holding shoes - way more than I excepted to be left. On the center wall held jewels of every kind and I was sure she had an outfit to match each one. In the center of the room was an island table covered with little head mannequins holding hats that probably matched the jewels that matched the outfits in the room. Immediately I started flipping through clothes, outfit after outfit, even going so far as to push the walls behind them incase there was a secret door like at the church. I pulled down every shoe box that lined the shelves above the clothes. Making my way around the room I began to examine the island table that still unveiled no secrets.

"Damn it!" I yelled kicking the table and instantly regretting it. With the expensive taste of this family I assumed almost every thing was made of granite so I knew to expect pain right away but to my surprise none came. There was a slight throb but nothing to cry over. I squatted over to the see where exactly I had released my rage. Where my foot made impact there was a crack but not a wavy jagged one but one that was straight like that of a door crack. There was a little hook that blended in well with the print on the table. Forcibly I pushed on the hook just to hear the sweet sound of a door unlocking and a hinge creaking open. I felt inside until I felt a switch and turned it on giving light to a room that was much bigger than it should be beneath a table.

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