Chapter 1 - The Rebound

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"Come on Scarlett. It's been four days, you can't spend the rest of your life in this dorm surviving solely on Neapolitan ice cream, Twizzlers, and extra butter popcorn. I bet you Harold isn't doing this right now so you shouldn't either," Said Sarah. She had short pixie cut blonde hair unlike my long dark hair. Sarah has been my best friend since freshman year. We met at orientation. She was from Houston, Texas but came to Pearl State University in Hilton, Virginia on full academic scholarship majoring in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.

Her dream was to start a publishing company, which worked great for me since my major was journalism and having connections like that would most definitely help out in the long run. It didn't take long for us to become fast friends even though it took a while for me to get used to her thick southern accent. Although we were from different worlds it felt like we were sisters. Freshman year we regularly had movie nights that consisted mainly of comedy horror films, Kevin Hart stand up comedies shows, and big sheets of rice krispy treats. Yeah we were definitely two peas in a pod, sisters from another mister, and closer than butter and biscuits as Sarah liked to call us.

"Don't say his name around me," I said throwing a handful of popcorn at her. "I don't care what she and that homewrecker are doing. All I know is that I am never ever leaving this room again." I said covering my entire face and I meant it. I could survive in my room since groceries could be delivered straight to our door. I rolled over in my bed with my back to Sarah but I knew this wasn't the end of the conversation, she wouldn't let it be.

We played a game of tug-a-war for about five minutes until Sarah finally overpowered me, pulling all the covers off my bed. "Ugh. Why won't you just leave me alone? I just want to die in peace in my room alone surrounded by candy, popcorn, and ice cream."

"No I am not letting you wallow in your own misery," Sarah said with her hands on her hips. "I know what you need. You need a girls night out."

"No I don't. What I need is peace, quiet, and for Harold and Rebekah to drop dead where they stand." I said with a snarl.

"Ok I will do anything to make you happy but I'm sorry I can't do that for you." Sarah said, pulling my limp body to an upright position. "You need sunlight or at least a little moonlight. Tonight we are going to Club Ghost and we are going to party and drink all our trouble away. If we're lucky we'll find you a good rebound tonight. You know what my mama always says- the best way to get over an old man is to get under a new one." I wasn't sure I was ready for that just yet. I hated him with a passion and wanted to move on or at least let him see what he was missing. "Just one night only. One night and I'll never ask again." Sarah pleaded seeing the internal fight I was having.

"Okay okay!!! One night only and then I get to eat as much ice cream as I want without you interrupting but no promises on the rebound thing." I said rubbing my eyes as the sunshine peeking through the blinds burned my eyes. I knew Sarah was resilient and would badger me until I agreed with her plan.

"Good now let's start getting ready to go out." Sarah said while going through my hair supplies.

"What are you talking about? It's 4 in the afternoon. The club doesn't open until 10."

"Obviously you haven't looked in the mirror or smelled your own breath lately." She said while turning me towards my full length mirror. I couldn't even recognize myself. There was popcorn and twizzlers in my hair, ice cream all over my cheeks and chin, I was still in my pajamas that were too big and half was falling off my body. "We're going to need at least 4 hours to do your hair. That will only leave 2 hours to get both our outfits together. I'm going to be pushing for time but I think we might make it. Now sit down and let the master do her work."

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