Chapter 46- P x 3

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As I'm sure you can tell this book is coming to an end. There's not much more to say for Zach and Rachel's relationship other than they are in love and I don't want to keep throwing the same typical obstacles in there. Please read to the end of this chapter to see how this book will end. Thank you all for reading I can't believe this story has reached 490k view. You guys are amazing.

Rachel pov:

6 years later.

"Mommmmmm!" I heard yelling from in the living room while I was in the laundry room pulling out towels from the dryer and into the basket to be folded.

Not even before I could put my hands back in the dryer to grab more another voice erupted yelling the same thing, "MOMMMMMMMM!" I sighed and stood up straight.

"Mommm tell Peyton to give me back MY dinosaur!" Parked yelled as I entered the room.

Both of my boys were sitting on the floor surrounded by toy dinosaurs, but Peyton had one dinosaur in his hand held above his head out of reach of Peyton.

Parker turned towards me for help with a pout on his face and a tear ready to run down his cheek.  I moved my eyes from Parker to Peyton and gave him a look telling him I wasn't messing around.

"Peyton you know that your brothers now give it back." I said sternly.

Parker turnt around quickly with a hopeful look. "But—" Peyton whined but my raised eyebrow telling him to stop.

He let out a huge sigh and handed the toy to Parker. Parker instantly smiled. It was the brand new remote controlled dinosaur that every little boy wanted. We got it for Peyton a couple weeks ago on his 5th birthday.

He happy started making it walk and with his own voice roared for it. Peyton stood to the side of him with a angry face. Having enough he turned to me and yelled, "THATS NOT FAIR!"

I quickly walked towards Peyton with my finger on my lip telling him to be quiet. "You know your sister is upstairs asleep. You have to be quiet." I whispered loudly.

"I know but, it's not fair" he rushed out in a regular voice.

"Well" I said glancing towards Parker.

"Parker you can share right?" I asked and he stopped playing.

"Yes" he nodded his head. I turned my attention to Peyton and he reluctantly walked towards his brother.

Parker looked at his big brother with hopeful eyes and said, "you can play with the remote and I will make the dinosaur roars. Okay?"

Peyton smiled and took the remote. With the problem solved I went upstairs to check on my little girl. I tipped toed up the stairs and slowly opened her room.

My heart warmed at what I saw. Zach was turned away from me holding Paige ,our 7 month old, swaying back and forth and humming to her. Her beautiful blue eyes were hidden by her eyelids indicating she was asleep.

I quietly walked up to Zach and wrapped my hands around him with my hands now laying in front of his stomach. I felt him relax into me as I snuggled into his back.

"Did the boys wake her?" I whispered against his back.

"Yeah, I heard her crying and sang her back to sleep" He whispered. I smiled and moved to stand in front of him. I moved my eyes from Zach to Paige, it almost looked like she was smile ing as she was fast asleep.

Zach gently carried her to her cradle and laid her down. He smiled for a moment proudly before turning to me with a mischievous smirk.

I raised my brow and before I knew it he had me in his arms and I was trying to silently laugh so I wouldn't wake Paige up. Zach carried me down the stairs and threw me on the couch, him falling on top of me. Zach proceeded to take a nap on my chest while I played with his hair putting myself to sleep. But with two boys running around playing dinosaurs you don't get much sleep.

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