Chapter 28- perfect

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Rachel pov:

I hate to say it but waking up in Zach's arms is probably the best thing ever. I cuddled into him a little longer before I unwrapped him from me and stood up. He looked so adorably peaceful as he slept there.

Reluctantly I walked away but stopped once more at my bedroom door with a smile before continuing down to the kitchen

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Reluctantly I walked away but stopped once more at my bedroom door with a smile before continuing down to the kitchen. As soon as I got in the kitchen I pulled out eggs, bacon and pancake mix. I turned on the stove and pulled out mixing bowls and pans to cook everything in.

I heard a lot of movement upstairs and smiled to myself. Zach was probably awake now. I had already finished the bacon and pancakes and was now starting the eggs.  As I poured in the eggs a pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist and a chin pressed on my shoulders.

"Mhmmm looks delicious." Zach said looking at me. I blushed a deep red. Me or the food?

He kissed my neck and smiled against it, "taste good too."

I giggled, definitely not the food. "Zach" I whined, "I'm making breakfast." I said turning around to face him.

"Forget breakfast you taste better" he said with a smirk. And pulled me in more.

"Oh no no no" I said waving the spatula around. I pulled from his grip and his lower lip took the form of a pout.

"You go sit over there" I said pointing to the kitchen table. He obliged but I felt his eyes burning into my backside the entire time I cooked. This boy, oh this boy.

As I finished and placed our food on our plates. When I turned around Zach had a big smile on his face. "What?" I asked wondering why he was looking at me like that.

"Nothing" he said that stupid grin still on his face. I rolled my eyes at his secrecy and placed his plate in front of him.

He literally devoured the plate in a matter of minutes. I still had half a plate left as he sat and watched me. I felt awkward under his eyes, but I'm hungry. I'm not gonna stop eating.

Once I finished I grabbed my plate then moved to his side of the table to grab his. As I reached out he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I gasped when I sat down and dropped my plate on the table.

"Zach" I said trying to stand up but his hold was tight. He stuffed his face into the crook of my neck. "Zach I need to do the dishes" I said trying to pull away. Instead he spun me around so I was straddling his lap.

He had the same huge grin on his lips. "What" I asked. Why is he looking at me like this?

He smiled a little wider, "I was just thinking" he said.

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