Chapter 17-Second chances

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Ok I didn't think I would have to ask but please don't steal my story. I come up with this on my own I literally have a dream about it and then take it and make something out of it. Everyone has a story to tell; I just ask that you don't retell mine. Thank you.

Sorry it took forever for an update but I've been very busy. This one is extra long because I took extra long to write it. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!

1 month later May 27th,

"Herron. You are free to go now that you are 18. Happy birthday. And I don't want to see you in here again." Said the guard who treated me the nicest coming into my room with a smile. He handed me the clothes I wore on the day in here.

"T-thank you." I replied staring at my clothes like it was the most amazing thing in the world.

He walked out of the room and I quickly changed ready to leave this place. I honestly forgot it was my birthday and I had no idea they would be releasing me today.

After I finished changing the guard walked back into the room, "Herron you have a phone call."

I practically skipped after him to where the phones are.

"Hello?" I asked in a very up beat cheery voice.

"Happy Birthday!" My entire family yelled on the other side of the phone. Making me smile widely.

"Thank you. I love and miss you guys, but I won't have to miss you much longer I can come home today! I'm done!" I yelled into the phone.

I heard my mom intake a breath quickly. "Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied as I nod my head even though they can't see it.

"I'm on my way!" I heard my mom yell and then the call ended.

I was so happy standing there holding the phone. I would get to see my family again, my friends, Rachel. I could make things better with Rachel.

About 40 mins later my mom came bursting through the door of the waiting room where I had been for the past half hour. She searched the room frantically till her eyes landed on me. She immediately ran to me and wrapped me up in her arms.

"Oh I've missed you." She cried into my shoulder.

I squeezed her tighter, "I've missed you too." We stood there for three minutes just hugging.

Pulling away I could see her eyes were bloodshot red and I was on the verge of tears. We sat for a few minutes and talked come to find out this has been really hard on her and the family. She's been detached from everything and depressed. I feel so bad why did I have to be the way I was?

"I'm so sorry mom." I said avoiding eye contact.

"I know baby. But all that matters is that you are here now and you are never going to make those mistakes again are you?" She said raising one brow.

"No I'm never doing anything like that ever again. I'm gonna fix things with Rachel. But right now I need your help surprising her."

On the drive back me and my mother made a plan. I felt bad at how she would initially take it but I knew in the end it would all work out and she would be very happy.

Zach Herron's Mom Pov:

Walking into the house everyone was jumping up and down. Reese immediately came running up to me and pulling on my clothes.

"Where is he? Where is Zach?", Reese asked peaking around me to see if he was there.

I made a fake pouting face and looked at her, "they changed their mind he couldn't come home." I pulled her into a comforting hug.

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