Chapter 8- stunning, absolutely breath taking

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Rachel pov:

2 days have gone by and not much has been said between Zach and I. We're still nice to each other but it's awkward. We're friendly around each other and really just act like the other one isn't there. I mostly hangout with Reese and Ryan which is just as nice.

"Ok kids good night kids. Don't forget we have a formal dance tomorrow for my work so we are getting up early to get ready. Then only one day left and home we go!" My mom cheered from our bedroom doorway.

I just groaned and fell back into the bed.

Next day:

"Okay everyone get up!" Zach's mom sang from the doorway.

Reluctantly I dragged myself from the bed and towards the bathroom.

"Ah-ah" Zach said swishing his finger back and forth in front of my face, "me first" he said stepping back and into the bathroom, but not before I sent him a glare.

I gave up with a huff and went into the kitchen for breakfast with Reese and Ryan. They were already there sitting at the table eating cereal.

I grabbed a bowl and spoon, milk, and cereal and made my way to the table.

"Hi Rachel!" Ryan chirped

Ughh I shrugged and poured my cereal and milk into the bowl

"Good morning to you too" he said laughing.

I sent him a face saying don't test me. He laughed.

"Yeah it's so good." I said giving a fake smile then rolling my eyes.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Reese said.

I turned to look at her, "no I just like to shower as soon as I wake up and when I don't I get grumpy. And I was going to buy someone stepped in front of me and stole my precious shower time" I said with a pout.

An arm reached up over my right shoulder and grabbed a piece of my cereal from the top that was not yet in the milk. As they withdrew water from their arm and hair dropped on my back.

"Ewwww!" I yelled and quickly spun around.

"Your precious shower time is now available princess" Zach said with a smirk.

I just looked him up and down with shook. He was dripping wet with only a towel around his waist.

"Like what you see?" Zach said with a smirk and amusement in his eye.

My eyes shot directly to his when he started speaking and I had to force myself to keep them there. Zach was looking good but I couldn't let him know and I shouldn't even be thinking this he is an asshole.

"No. You should try putting some clothes on though."

"Why? Because I'm to hard to resist like this?" Zach said still with a smirk.

I stood up from my chair and walked past him. "As if" I threw over my shoulder.

"She totally wants me" I heard Zach say.

Reese giggled but immediately stopped, "Zach go get dressed!" She snapped at him making me smile as I walked into the bathroom for my precious shower time.

And it was precious I took about 30 mins. I shampooed and conditioned my hair 2 so it smelled extra good and was extra soft. One thing on my body that I take pride in is my long brown hair.

After getting out it took about 30 mins to completely blow dry my thick hair so there was no dampness. I brushed it out then turned on the straightener. It took at least 45 mins to straighten every piece of hair. My hair is pretty long stopping around my lower back. And it looked amazing. I almost never straighten my hair.

Bullied by Why Don't We - The App [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora