Chapter 3- opening the door for the devil

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"Ughhh" I groaned as I threw my back onto my bed. Today has been a day not really good and not really bad, just a day. And I'm so over today.

I roll over on my side and look at my phone. It reads:


The app:
- has anyone seen the ratchet?
- Probably to scared to show her face
- She will definitely get an extra good beating tomorrow

"Fuck" I screamed as I threw my phone against the wall. I've had enough! The last thing I needed was a extra beating tomorrow. The last time I had an extra beating I got a broken rib and was unconscious for 4 hours.

*knock knock knock*

That's strange no one ever comes to my house. I crawled out of bed and stomped down the stairs to the front door. I didn't even look first I just assumed it was my grandma because no one else ever comes here. I swung the door wide open unknowingly I had just opened the door for the devil. A terrified look grew on my face I could tell because it was exactly how I was feeling. A sadistic smirk grew on his face and on Jonahs beside him.

It immediately became hard to breathe my chest tightened and my heart sped up. I stumbled back trying to catch my breathe and put some distance between us.

"Hello ratchet. Oh how we have missed you today!" He cooed as he stepped inside the house. It didn't take but another second for me to be sprinting to the guest bedroom. I slammed the door behind me and locked it. I gasped for air as I slid down the floor frantic. I looked down at my hands and they were shaking.

I flailed forward as the door began to get kicked. I scrambled to the other side of the wall and curled myself into a ball. I could feel my whole body shaking and tears flew down my cheeks and onto my shirt. Never had they ever shown up to my house. And with no one around there is no telling how far they would take it.

The pounding on the door stopped, "Rachel please let us in" Zach said in a sing song way. I didn't dare reply. The door started shaking mercilessly again at their pounding. The hinges on the door were screaming for help. And only seconds later the door became shards flying across the room trying to penetrate my skin. I screamed in fear. I covered my face and continued to cry rocking myself for comfort. I could hear them getting closer and then stop right in front of me. I don't dare look up. Suddenly a hand wrapped around my right armed and yanked me from the ground. I held my head low and whimpered in their presence.

"Look at me!" He yelled as he tightened his hold on my arm. By tomorrow I would have a purple imprint of his hand. I refused to look up though.

"I said look at me!" He screamed as he let go of my arm only to grasp my chin and throw it up so I was looking at him. A sadistic smirk grew on his face taking pleasure in my misery. 

"Please just leave me alone" I whimpered out pulling away from his grasp.

"Now why would I want to do that?" He smiled as he stepped closer.

"Please! What did I ever do to you?" I screamed at him taking one step closer to the door. His smile dropped and was replaced with a face of anger. He lunged at me. I don't even really know what happened next but my right hand was in the form of a fist and Zach was stumbling backwards holding his face. Was this self defense? A reflex? I looked at my hand in shock then at Zach and he looked more mad then I'd ever seen him before.

The look on his face sent chills down my spine and my legs sprinting for the door. I ran through the hole in the door and to the front door. I kept sprinting. In my left was jack and Corbyn and on my right was Daniel all waiting outside. I screamed and pushed myself to run faster. I kept running down the street behind me I could hear Zach yelling at the boys to get in the jeep. I wasn't far down the road when the jeeps engine roared to life. Then the sound of the car moving towards me. I looked back over my shoulder and saw Zach driving and Jonah in the passenger seat in the back the three boys heads were sticking out above the car because the jeep didn't have the top on.

"You better fucking run!" Jack yelled from the backseat of the car then laughed.

"You can't out run us!" Zach yelled as he accelerated the car.

He was right I would never be able to outrun them in a car so I stopped. I turned and faced them they weren't far at all not even 2 houses away probably going about 30 miles per hour. I raised my arms and braced for impact.

The sound of tires screeching to a halt and burnt rubber filled the air of the night (ha see what I did there). I opened my squeezed shut eyes to the bright headlights and five shocked faces.

"You fucking suicidal bitch!" Zach screamed as he opened his door and stepped out of the car.

"I wonder why I'm so suicidal!" I screamed back at him as he walked closer now blocking one of the the headlights.

"I could have fucking killed you!" He screamed back.

I was now bent over laughing until I couldn't breathe. I finally regained my composure and looked him dead in the eye. "Isn't that the fucking point of your whole game? Isn't that how you win? Game over kill me and you win!" I screamed stepping closer. He looked taken aback and didn't say anything he couldn't even look me in the eye.

I scoffed, "yeah that's what I thought." I turned and walked down the sidewalk in the direction of my home. I thought about everything walking back home. I have no idea where the confidence came from usually I'm so reserved and never talk.

When I walk up my front steps the front door is still wide open. I stepped inside and closed and locked the door. I dragged myself to the guest bedroom and cleaned up all the shredded wood laying on the floor. I probably got 4 splinters on my fingertips. After I cleaned up I made my way upstairs and laid on my bed just staring at the the ceiling.

I checked my phone but there were no new notifications on the app from any of the boys which is really strange normally they would say something. So I closed my phone and tried to fall asleep.

The whole night I was restless tossing and turning. I felt so unsafe in my own home. If they were willing to come to my house to beat me then what else were they willing to do? All night all I could think about was what my fate tomorrow was going to be. And the look on Zach's face after I punched him haunted me.

I'm sorry it took so long for me to update but I have been busy. I will try to be better at this. Sorry! Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote!

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