Chapter 18- I hate roller skating

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I didn't break my promise. I stuck around for Reese. I saw Zach occasionally for short moments so it wasn't that bad.

"Did you have fun today?" I asked Reese pulling into her driveway.

"Of course!" She cheered from the back seat.

I put the car in park and turned the car off. I got out of my seat and waddled around to Reese's door and helped her out. Taking her hand we walked towards the door, well I sort of limp, "come on its already dark out."

She started giggling out of no where.

"What's so funny?" I ask stopping us in our tracks so I can turn and face her. When she looks at me she giggles more.

"Come on what is it?" I whine.

Through her laughter she says, "I can't stop thinking about you falling on your butt in the middle of the roller skating rink and taking five minutes to get back up."

"Your never gonna let me live it down are you?" I ask shaking my head and walking to the door with her still laughing and gasping for air.

When we were at the roller skating we were having a skate competition to see who had the best tricks. We both had basic stuff but I was gonna try to do a spin and then skate backwards. So I do my spin and Reese is watching in awe and somehow I'm going top speed backwards, so I start freaking out. Next thing I know I'm on my but and I just killed my tailbone. I was in so much pain so I just laid there for three minutes as people skate in an oval shape around me. When I finally gathered enough courage to try and stand up it took many tries to find the right way to get up properly with the least amount of pain. All the while Reese is laughing.

"Never" she replies laughing.

"I hate roller skating." I mumbled

Standing on the porch I ring the door bell for someone to let us in.

Reese is still laughing. Unbelievable. Thankfully the door opens only to have the person I want to see the least.

"Looks like you guys had a good time today." Zach said smiling looking between Reese and I.

"Yeah the greatest." I state sarcastically shifting my weight to my other leg because my tailbone was hurting again.

Zach looks at me confused before Reese speaks up, "we went to the roller skating rink today and Rachel was skating backwards really fast and suddenly fell on her butt. She laid there forever. It was really funny."

Zach frowned at Reese, "it's nice to laugh at her."

"Pfft coming from the boy who laughed and taunted me everyday for years" I thought. The pain was getting bad so I but my bottom lip to keep from crying and shifted back to my other leg.

"Are you okay?" He asked turning his attention back to me with a bit of a worried look. He looked me up and down.

"I'm fine. It just hurts to move at all. But I'm fine." I said playing it off like it's no big deal.

"Let me help you it looks like you can hardly stand." He said. And in one swift motion I was in his arms bridal style.

I quickly let out a yelp from the fast movement. "Sorry am I hurting you?" Zach said frantic. His eyes help a lot of worry.

"No you just took me by surprise." I said looking away and blushing.

"Oh." Zach said standing a little straighter and pulling me closer to him. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck. He seemed to suck in a breath but then acted unbothered by talking to Reese, "go inside. I'm gonna take Rachel home. I'll be back later."

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