Chapter 41- month 6 & 8

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"You're hovering. Again." I said with a huff as I felt Zach breathing down my neck. Zach has been home with me for a month and has spent every minute up my butt.

"Here just let me help you." Zach said trying to grab the knife from my hand.

"Zach. I'm pregnant not a cripple." I said as he got the knife from my hands and took my place slicing tomatoes.

With a huff I went upstairs to where our baby boys room will be. I started putting together the crib we got him the other day. It wasn't long before Zach was at my side pulling away the pieces.

"Zach" I whined and watched him move everything away from me.

"Zach!" I yelled again getting angry and he stopped moving everything and turned to face me.

"You can't keep doing this!" I said standing up and gesturing towards him. "You can't keep taking everything away from me cause I'm pregnant. I can still do everything." I said getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry." He said setting everything down and moving towards me. He took both my hands in his and pulled me close. "I just worry about you. I don't want to risk you getting hurt." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I know but you can't keep doing this." I said leaning my head against his shoulder and taking a deep breath.

"Fine. But you know I only do it because I care." He said kissing the top of my head on my hair.

I rested my chin against his chest and looked into his eyes. "I know but you can't be so overprotective."

"I just don't want to risk you getting hurt again." He said looking between my eyes.

I simply nodded my head. "Come on let's go watch a movie." He said leading me out of the room. I rolled my eyes he still just doesn't want me doing anything. "We can work on it later. Together." He said pulling me towards our room. He must have saw me roll my eyes.

I let Zach lead me to our room and over to our bed. I happily hoped in and slipped under the covers.

As soon as Zach got back from tour he packed his things from his house and moved them to mine. It was really just his clothes everything else stayed at his house. He said he wanted to be there for me and our son. So he packed his things and moved in.

He also got a job a pretty good paying one so he could help provide. But he also made me quit mine. He's been so overprotective since he found out, but he has good intentions.

Zach slipped into bed next to me and grabbed the remote. "What do you want to watch?" Zach asked as he turned on the tv.

I snuggled up next to him, "how about... I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry"  I said as I watched him scroll through the options.

He went to my suggestion and hit play. We sat in silence and laughed as we watched the movie. I like spending time like this with Zach and missed it a lot while he was on tour.

When the movie finished I laid back. Watching the movie made me tired and I almost fell asleep at the end. I heard a little movement beside me as I closed my eyes.

"Hey there baby boy." Zach whispered and I could feel his breath next to my stomach. Maybe Zach thought I was asleep? I kept my eyes shut and stayed still as Zach spoke.

I felt him press his warm hand against my stomach. "This is your daddy." He whispered, "and I can't wait to meet you and hold you and call you mine." He said rubbing his hand around on my stomach.

I opened my eyes to look at him. Just hearing this was making me so emotional, damn hormones. Zach didn't see me though, he was to busy staring at my stomach to notice I was awake. I smiled at what was happening.

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