"So, Envy being the dumbass, he decides to light a match and he blew off his lab partners eyebrows!" Scalia says telling a story about her time with Envy at the boarding school.

"Hey now in my defence he said it was alright."

"He said to do it away from the gas though you idiot." Everyone laughs.

"Ow!" Lilith squeaks out jumping in her seat.

I look at her, Scalia accidentally cut her with her knife when she was gesturing at Envy. I'm suddenly transfixed on the drop of blood that rolls down her hand.

"Alex?" The voices are far away.

I jump at Lilith, but Dean reacts quickly and grabs my waist flinging me through the window. I break the glass and land outside, but I immediately jump back in through the window to get to Lilith. The only thing on my mind is getting to Lilith and biting her wrist, right where her veins pop up from her skin. I shove Stag out the broken window and jump again at Lilith but Dean yanks her out of the way, I land on all fours in the kitchen.

"Scalia do something!" Someone yells.

Scalia, I bet she tastes nice, I snarl and push off with my back legs and stretch out my arms to Scalia just as she opens her mouth. I push her onto the ground and I'm about to lean down to bite her neck when arms wrap around my waist. I go to scratch out their eyes but I see my reflection in the glass door. My eyes are red, I have pointed canines and my nails are longer than normal and they're pointed, they look sharp enough to easily slice through someone's skin. I just stare at myself in the mirror transfixed at my appearance.

"Take her downstairs," Liam says in the silence.

Envy continues to hold me as he walks downstairs to the cellars, everything is concreted with a small window in the corner to let light in. There are eight bared cages all made of the reinforced stainless steel and coated in silver. Envy lightly places me in the cages and slowly closes the door. He then stares at me, I curl into a ball and hug my knees. I attacked Lilith, my best friend. One of the few people I would never wish to hurt.

"Alex..." Envy mutters looking at me sadly.

I turn away from him and look into the corner, I sigh. If I hadn't stopped because I saw myself in the mirror then I think that I would've hurt him.

"Please just leave me alone for the night," I whisper.

"Alex..." He sounds completely heartbroken at hearing me say that.

"Please. I need... I need to be alone."

"Alright. Yell out if you need me. I'll be here whenever you need me."

He hesitates at the door but when I continue refusing to look at him he leaves me in the dark, alone. Just like I should be.

I sit there and cry until I'm so exhausted that I merely fall asleep but once again nightmares plague me.

I sit up and look around, I'm still in the cage and it's still night. I move back and sit back against the wall just as the shadows around me start to move.

"Alex..." the same old demons, same old voices.

"Look at what you've done."

"What type of person attacks their best friend?"

"What kind of person almost hurts their own mate?"

"You should stay with us."

"We won't judge you."

"We'll protect you."

"The outside is a terrible place."

"They don't love you."

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