Chapter One: Evan

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Evan's POV

It was the start of a new school year and Evan couldn't say he was excited. No one really liked him, and it was nerve-wracking talking to new people. His closest friend, Jared, barely even talked to him. And classes would be... Well, he just hoped he didn't get called on. 

"Evan?" Heidi Hansen entered the room. Evan glanced up from his laptop. "How are you?"

"N-nervous," he stammered, "I-it's going to be awful, mom."

"Evan, can we try to have an optimistic outlook?" Evan still looked uneasy so she pushed, "Have you tried writing one of those letters to yourself? Dear Evan Hansen, Today's going to be a good day and here's why... They're going to help you build your confidence! Besides, honey, this year is going to be different."

It certainly would be. Evan knew that much. "Well, I started one."

Heidi patted him on the back and smiled in approval. "Well, I have breakfast ready. Could you get Jeremy up?"

Evan nodded and got up. Yes, this was going to be a very different year.

Evan's mom and Mr. Heere had gotten married a few weeks ago, which meant Evan and Jeremy were stepbrothers. Although they had known each other for awhile, they didn't really talk much until the wedding. Heidi thought it would be good for Evan and Jeremy to get to know each other, become friends, but Evan hadn't talked to Jeremy a lot. At least not yet. He was going to soon though, in fact, he had made a list of all the things he knew about Jeremy in preparation so  he didn't say something wrong and screw something up.

(A/N Ok, so I moved the events of BMC to Jeremy's sophomore year instead of his junior year. Just so you know its supposed to be like that (it works out better))

1. Jeremy was one year younger than him. He was starting his junior year today. But even though Evan was older, Jeremy was the taller of the two. This made Evan feel a little uncomfortable (his little brother was taller than him!), but most people were taller than him, so he supposed it wasn't too big a deal.

2. Jeremy got into some sort of trouble at school last year. Something big went on, but Evan didn't know what. That was why he moved and was going to Evan's school instead of the other way around. Evan decided this was a good thing, since this meant he could still see Zoe Murphy, but he was still curious what happened at Jeremy's school. 

3. Jeremy had a best friend, Michael. Michael had moved with Jeremy... well not with him. They weren't living together or anything. Evan wasn't quite sure why Michael moved though. Not that he cared, Michael seemed nice enough. He always wore a big, red hoodie and he had a pac man tattoo. Plus, sometimes when he and Jeremy played video games, he would ask Evan if he wanted to play too. Evan thought this was nice, but he didn't really play video games, and since Jeremy and Michael played all the time... He didn't want to mess up in front of them.

Evan walked across the hall to Jeremy's room. He hesitated, should he knock on the door? It was closed, did that mean his step brother didn't want anyone coming in? He didn't know Jeremy well enough to tell. His mom asked him to get him up... should he just go in or... Evan braced himself and quietly knocked. No answer.

"J-Jeremy?" He called. "Are you awake?"

Nervously, Evan pushed open the door. Jeremy sat in the back of the room, hunched over the computer on his desk. "Jeremy?" Evan asked again. Jeremy didn't respond. Evan walked closer until he was practically right behind him. "J-Jeremy?"

Jeremy made a squeaking noise, before spinning around in his chair, quickly slamming his computer shut. He looked panicked. When his eyes landed on Evan he calmed down though. "Oh, Evan, it's just you. You scared me."

"What were you watching?"

Jeremy responed too quickly with a fast, "Nothing!"

"Well, mom wanted me to wake you up." Evan informed him. "I-if you want to," he quickly added.

"Oh, um, thanks, Evan," Jeremy said with a smile. Evan smiled awkwardly in response, still wondering what Jeremy was watching. Oh well. Even if he didn't like school, he didn't want to be late. Evan hurried downstairs without a second thought, still not prepared for what would go on at school.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw Mr. Heere, in a robe, with no pants, calmly sipping coffee. Yes, this was going to be a very different year.

(A/N So, I thought this would be super fun to write and I'm enjoying it so far... This is my first time writing something here so let me know what you guys think! ;) Hope you like it!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now