"Beautiful, don't you think?" A woman asked, walking up to me.

I smiled up at her, nodding. 

"It's enchanted, did you know? It changes in size to fit the person wearing it. It will grow with you." She told me.

Excitedly, I looked over to my father. He nodded at me. I jumped for joy and ran over to him. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him half a million 'thank you' s. I pulled myself from him and took an emerald cloak off of the rack. It was the most beautiful shade I had ever seen. I couldn't get over the beauty of this cloak. My father and I walked over to the counter to pay. When it was officially mine, the lady that sold it to me wrapped it around me and hooked the fastening. I could feel the large cloak shrink. It stopped when it felt the perfect size. The perfect height. The perfect fit. It was as light as a feather, but incredibly warm. Everything about it was perfect.

"It suits you, beautifully." The woman complemented. 

"Thank you so much." I smiled at her.

My father and I walked out of the store. We continued walking down the single street.

I only things I wanted and needed and found were a pair of new black shoes that were much warmer than the only pair of flats I had, more green and black clothes, and a singular white shirt that fit properly and looked okay. 

"I think I'm done, Father. I don't need anything else." I told him.

He looked down at me.

"Nothing you want? A wizard's chess board? New books?" He asked.

I shook my head. He shrugged and nodded. We began walking back to the castle, taking the same path we took to get to the village. 

"Father, may I go see Nusaeross for a little while? I haven't seen him in a while." I asked.

"I'll be at the castle if you need me." He nodded.

We separated. I walked toward the owlery while my father continued his way to the school without me. I reached the tall tower and walked inside. I climbed the many stairs up to the top to reach my raven. I reached the straw covered attic of the tower. I went to pick up the tail of the new cloak, but as I went to grab the fabric, I noticed that it was no longer dragging on the ground behind me. It was above my ankles, as if I knew that it would get dirty if it trailed on the ground. 

"Of course! It's enchanted!" I laughed to myself.

I began to wonder what else it would do for me in the future. It honestly didn't have to do anything else; I was still in love with it. I walked over to Nusaeross.

"Hey, birdy birdy." I whispered to him, stroking the top of his head with one finger, "anything for me today?" I asked.

His head perked up and he looked up, then down. 

"What's it?" I asked him. 

I stepped back from him as he flew out of the owlery. In a few minutes, he came back with a package swinging from his feet and two letters in his beak. He dropped them in front of me. I laughed at him and picked up the two letters and single package. I quickly recognised the writing on the letters. One from Draco, one from Goyle. The package however, didn't have anything on it to say who it was from. In fact, it didn't have writing on it at all. I dragged a chair over to my bird and sat down while I opened the cards. I opened the card from Draco first, as I hadn't heard at all since he left yesterday.

    Raven L. Snape,
It's only been a day and I miss you already. Happy Christmas by the way! I wish you came home with me. Father is bombarding me with questions. Mum is making sure I still feel at home. Making sure I get whatever I want for Christmas. She was sad to know that you weren't with me when the train got to nine and three quarters. Father wants to know who's not to like and who is. I told him obviously you are to like, as well as Goyle, Crabbe and Parkinson. The list of people not to like was much longer; Potter, the Weasels, that Mudblood Granger, Longbottom, the list goes on. I told him that a Gryffindor, Finnegan, was always blowing things up no matter where he was. No Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws have come to play with us yet, thankfully. I don't need any know-it-all's telling me what to do all the time, or soft, weak children wanting to be overly nice to us, expecting us to play nice back. I didn't need to tell him about our loss in quidditch for him to know. He was furious, saying that I needed to be on the team and that they needed a new seeker. It's scary how alike you two are. At least you're more fun. My father isn't. He's all business, Dark Lord, serious, more business. It's all rubbish. My family's boring. At least it will be more interesting when Aunt Bella is out of Azkaban. That'll be the day!  Anyway, hoping to hear back from you soon. Owl me as soon as you can, okay? Tell me everything. I mean everything. If you don't, I wont talk to you for a whole week when I get back to school. You'll have the torture of seeing me, but not talking to me. I miss you, Rave. I hope to hear back from you soon. 

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