Kabanata 22

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I repeatedly checked my wristwatch, wondering why they were taking so long. Kalil had already returned, but the two still weren't here. Were they engaged in a deep conversation, causing the delay? It had been an hour since they left the rooftop, if my memory served me right.

"Sige, iwan ko muna kayo. Baka nakakaistorbo ako," saad ni Wenwen sa amin ni Kalil. Then, she approached where Marcie and the others were.

I briefly glanced in their direction and noticed Marcie looking at us. Kishimae touched his shoulder, and I could see the surprise on his face, which made me smile.

"She's adorable," Kalil commented, referring to Wenwen. "Her chubby cheeks are so cute. I'd love to pinch them."

I observed Kalil closely. He wore a smile while complimenting Wenwen's cute features and her chubby cheeks. I even tilted my head and squinted at Kalil, clearly appreciating Wenwen's charm. It seemed he was quite attracted to her. Madalas niyang nababanggit sa akin iyon kapag si Wenwen ang napag-uusapan.

"Just gave this gift to Tita Mikay," I informed him, handing over my carefully-prepared present.

He looked at the gift, his brows furrowing immediately.

"You should give that to my mom in person," he insisted and got up. "Let's go. I'll take you to her."

"What? No. Just give it on my behalf," I responded, staying seated.

"She'll appreciate it more if you give it to her yourself," he said, pulling my hand to coax me to stand as well.

"Nahihiya ako," I protested, not yielding to his tug.

He chuckled. "What?"

I shot him a glare, but he continued to chuckle and sat back down beside me.

"I miss you," he suddenly confessed.

"What the heck?"

"I miss you."

This time, his voice carried more clarity and seriousness.

"Have you missed me too?" he asked.

"Yeah, but you've changed a bit," I pointed out.

"No, I'm still the same Kalil you met-"

"Oh?" I replied, feeling somewhat out of my element with his seriousness.

I felt uncomfortable conversing in this manner, but I didn't let on that I was uneasy with his mood right now, even though his seriousness was quite pronounced.

"Y-Yshi," he stammered, his voice becoming somewhat softer.

I wasn't oblivious to the unspoken words he wanted to tell me. I understood, Kalil. Believe me, understood.

"Kalil, I hope Tita Mikay likes the gift I got for her," I brought up our previous conversation.

He immediately averted his gaze. I offered a wry smile because I just didn't want to discuss that topic now. After a moment, he looked back at me and gave a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"She'll appreciate it."

I, in turn, avoided his gaze after he replied. I took a slow sip of juice. I wasn't ready to face this situation. It felt uncomfortable.

In that moment, as I sensed the weight of his unspoken feelings, I realized that I didn't really want to delve into our past right now. The past held memories, both beautiful and painful, that had shaped us into who we were today. But I didn't want to risk the harmony we had managed to find in the present. We were in a good place, and I wanted to keep it that way, untainted by the shadows of what had been. Sometimes, the best way to preserve the beauty of the moment is to let the past rest, where it belongs, and continue moving forward.

A Pure Heart: Missing PieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora