Kabanata 16

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"No way! Is that for real?! Naging sila talaga!" Calliope exclaimed. She even stood up, surprised at the confirmation in the story.

"Yes, it's true. I heard about it," Dos replied to his sister. "But that was a long time ago."

"So, does that mean they used to go on dates and couple stuff?" Rye said playfully.

"Rye, stop teasing," Gabriel said, annoyed at his cousin's playful remark.

"Come on, guys, let's not make a big deal out of it," Calliope said, trying to mediate.

"Dates? Like what?" Kean asked.

"And couple stuff like what?" Sean also asked.

Dos sighed. "Well, a couple is when two people have a special relationship together and do some... deeper bonding, it's a couple stuff. And dates are when they spend time together doing fun things," he explained.

I smirked at all of them. "See, you're learning new things every day." Both Ate Nicole and Ate Cassandra chuckled.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "All thanks to Rye's jokes."

"Pero hindi nga, Tita? How did you react?" Calliope asked me, getting my attention back.

I couldn't hide my surprise when I heard that Precious had agreed to be in a relationship with Bryan. It all seemed so sudden, and I couldn't help but feel baffled. I mean, did she really say yes that easily, without any courting or getting to know each other better? It all happened in the blink of an eye, and I was left bewildered by the whirlwind nature of their budding romance. It was just hard to grasp the idea of such a significant decision happening so quickly, and I couldn't help but wonder where that relationship would lead.

"Are you jealous, Keah?" Ate Nicole playfully teased me in a quiet tone.

I shot her a glare. "Stop it."

After Precious took her seat, Bryan rose to share his wishes with us.

"Well, uh, my first wish is quite similar to Precious, it's about completing my college education so I can assist my parents in managing the Wood Craft Creation Company," he began, and everyone nodded in agreement. "As for the next wish, I aspire to establish my own business after graduating, which is still a bit down the road, so I'll continue saving up for that," he said with a grin.

"Oh, ipon saan? Sa inyong dalawa ni Precious?" asar ni Kishimae dahilan para magtilian sila. Si Precious naman na namumulang tumatawa.

"Just curious, what kind of business do you want to establish?" Kalil asked.

"I'm still thinking about it. A bar would be cool," Bryan grinned.

"Cool!" The whole group chimed in.

"We'll be your first customers, dude," Kuya Zean said with a smirk.

"That works for me," Bryan also smirked.

I want to go to the bar but without drinking. I just simply wanted to experience the atmosphere, the vibes, and the music. I knew I'd enjoy that kind of business. It's often quite popular among young adults now, so it should be a hit.

I also want to try building a business of my own one day. I know I'm still young, but I want to test my limits, learn when I need help from others, and see if I can handle things on my own. I want to know. I'm not afraid to embark on new adventures because I can easily adapt.

As I glanced at Bryan, I noticed that he was staring at me, creating a somewhat awkward atmosphere amid the silence of our friends around us. His beautiful eyes shone even in the darkness, gazing directly at me. They were quite captivating.

A Pure Heart: Missing PieceWhere stories live. Discover now