Final chapter

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Here's the very last chapter of this story. I've had so much fun writing this story but now it's come to an end but don't worry I still have plenty of Kolvina stories left that are far from finished execpt Beauty and beastly which will be finishing soon but not quite yet. I have a new Kolvina story on hold which I'm working on but I'll only upload it if people will read it and like it. Anyway on to the story

Five years later....

Kol's pov

I enter the house "I'm home" I say as I kick off my shoes "daddy!" Neveah squeals running over to me and I immediately pick her up and swing her around making her laugh. "How's my little princess? Were you a good girl for mummy?" I ask she smiles and nods "yes daddy" she says I kiss her forehead before putting her down. "Speaking of your mummy where is she?" I ask my six year old daughter "she's outside trying to help Billy he got stuck in the fence again" she says giggling I shake my head as I make my way outside to greet my wife. A few days after Davina became a vampire I proposed to her and we got married a year later when she was 20. Davina is now 25 years old and doesn't look a day over 19 because of being a vampire.

I chuckle as I find Davina trying to gently pull Neveah's pet duck Billy out of the fence with a struggle "need some help love?" I ask she stops and turns round to face me "yes please" she says running a hand through her hair looking very frustrated. I walk over and carefully remove the stupid duck that keeps getting himself stuck in random places. I place him on the ground and he waddles off towards his pond that I created for him. I take Davina in my arms "how was your day love?" I ask kissing the top of her head "it was good, my mom and dad came over with Jack and he played with Nev" she says her parents had another child the year we got married, they had a little boy and named him Jack. Jack is 3 and a half years old and he's really close with Neveah who absolutely adores him and he's close with Davina too seeing as he's her little brother. Speaking of her parents, her mother Marnie became a vampire two years ago by her choice of will.

"Oh also your brother called and he's coming over with Hope next week so Nev is very excited" Davina explains as we walk back inside. My brother Nik somehow managed to get Caroline get pregnant and they had a daughter. Neveah and Hope are extremely close since there's an 18 month age difference between them. Caroline discovered she was two months pregnant not long after Davina became a vampire. "Well it will be good to see them" I say "yeah it will although Caroline won't be coming as she has marking to do" Davina explains two years ago Caroline and Stefan opened up a boarding school for supernatural kids. Caroline was inspired to open a school specially for supernatural children because of Hope and Neveah, she realized supernatural kids needed to have their own place to learn and strive without fear of being exposed and judged by humans. Davina actually teaches there, she teaches art and self defense classes. They have a self defense class as Davina felt there should be other methods to resort too like for example if a witches magic starts acting up when they're being attacked.

I think the schools great, it's just what supernatural children need so they can learn not to be afraid of exposure, so they can embrace themselves. Neveah attends the school along with Hope who has only just recently started going. Davina's little brother Jack will one day go to the school too when he's older.

"Davina" I say "yes Kol?" She asks her attention on Neveah who is currently doing a levetation spell "I love you" she says gaining her attention "I love you too" she says I smile and lean down to kiss her. She pulls away with a smile on her face and we both to turn to watch our daughter.

If you're wondering what happened to Elena after what she did, well she left Mystic falls after Damon compelled her to leave and never come back and she is now living in San Francisco. As for Damon he never forgave Elena for what she did so he didn't get back with her but he hadn't gotten over her so he went down a rough patch and disappeared for a while. He returned back once he got his shit together and he's now dating Bonnie, they surprisingly became close after he returned, she helped him get over Elena and they fell for each other. Bonnie still talks to Elena but they aren't really close anymore as Elena is living her life being Katherine 2:0 yeah apparently she's ruining families over in San Francisco. Elena slept with a married man and the wife wasn't too pleased about it so she gave Elena a good slap around.

Now as for my brother Elijah and Davina's aunt Josie they got together a year ago, it was random because we never really saw them around together but it just happened out of the blue. My sister Rebekah went to New Orleans to rekindle her romance with Marcel and they're looking into adopting a child but not just any child. They're looking at adopting a witch, they were considering adopting a werewolf baby but they changed their minds as they realized what if the child bit them when it grew up and activated it's werewolf curse.

So everything in life is good especially for me I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter so I'm very happy and content with my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Mummy! Daddy look!" Neveah squeals in delight as she suddenly starts levetating Billy making me and Davina burst out laughing. Yeah I definitely wouldn't change any of this for the world, this is my life and I couldn't be any happier.

The end

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