Present day

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I'm starting from the part where the mystic falls gang trap Katherine in the tomb and she reveals to Stefan that Davina is alive. Some things might be different from the episode so bare with me and Davina is in the chapter but it will be in her pov at that point

Stefan's pov

I watch as Katherine's​ expression changes once she realises that she's been trapped in the tomb "come on boys let me out" she says "let me just think about that hmm nope" Damon says with a grin mocking her "you're finally where you should've always been" Damon says "you can't just leave me in here" she says "oh but we can and we will" I say "and here I thought you were the kind sensible sympathetic guy well at least you were with your daughter" she says while looking at me with a grin making me furious "how the hell do you know about my daughter?!" I yell demandingly "I love you Stefan and I always checked in on you over the years so imagine my shock when I discovered you had fallen in love with a witch and got her pregnant 9 months later your girlfriend gave birth to a precious baby girl who you named Davina Claire-Salvatore  I must admit I was pretty jealous when I heard some woman got the privilege to carry your child and I was a little pissed off that the woman who carried your child was prettier than me" she says "don't you speak of her" I say "who the witch or your precious little girl?" She questions with a smirk "both of them you have no right" I say "well I happen to have a confession to make" she says "we don't want to hear it" says Damon "oh but I think Stefan does and I think deep down you do too Damon" she replies "what is this so called confession of yours?" I ask "I was the reason Marnie's coven found her" she says infuriating me "you did what?!" I yell "you see I was jealous that you moved on from me and was in love with someone else" she says "you were the reason Marnie left me and Davina?" I ask "that is basically what I just said" she said "how dare you do that to me my daughter was 2 days old she needed her mother and because of you she didn't have one" I say "I was doing the two of you a favour" she says "how was running the mother of my child out of my life doing us a favour?" I ask "she was a witch she would grow old and die leaving both you and Davina devastated where as Davina had your blood running through her veins so if she got in a fatal accident and died she would come back a vampire and that girl needed a mother who would always be there for her and her father" she says "she did have a mother, a mother who loved her more than anything but you took her away and whether Marnie was a witch or a vampire it wasn't your choice to make if she stayed or left our lives" I say "whatever there's no changing what happened Marnie's dead" she says "what?" I ask "Marnie's dead the witches of her coven were really angry at her for running so they executed her" she says "you just like to ruin people's lives don't you?" Damon says "only when someone has something that I want" she smirks "what did Marnie have that you didn't?" I ask "well like Elena she had you but she also had your child I wanted to be the mother of your child Stefan" she says "okay it's official you're crazy" Damon responds "I wouldn't wish to have you be the mother of anyone's child you're a selfish, manipulative woman who doesn't care about anyone but herself" I say "ouch that hurts me Stefan especially since I was the one who raised your daughter and I cared about her" she says "liar you never met or knew Davina and she certainly didn't know you" says Damon "if only you knew" she smirks "what do you know?" I ask "remember the fire 10 years ago" she says "of course I remember it's the day my daughter died" I say "to be honest with you Stefan that fire wasn't an accident it was done on purpose" she says "how do you know that?" Damon asks "because I was the one who started the fire well actually I had someone​ do it for me" she says "that explains why we were knocked out" Damon mutters "so you're the reason my daughter is dead?" I ask starting to feel even more angry if she makes me any angrier I might go all ripper on her "relax Davina's​ not dead" she says "what?!" Me and Damon exclaim "well I wanted to be the mother of your child and as you know I always get what I want so that night I compelled some guys two to take you two out and another guy to start the fire then a few minutes later Davina woke up and was looking for you so I took her and I might've told her that you were both dead and that you wanted me to look after her" she says "you started a fire just so you could fake my daughters death and take her away from me?" I ask "bingo" she says "do you have any idea how much pain I endured thinking she was dead? You took my little girl from me and I will make you suffer for that" I snarl at her "she grew up happy with me I raised her as my own" she says "only for your own sick twisted gain" says Damon "I cared about Davina she was a very sweet girl" Katherine says "where is Davina now?" Damon asks "I have no idea" she shrugs her shoulders "what do you mean you don't know?" I ask "when she was 13 Davina found out I lied about your death, she was angry at me and upset with me and she ran away to find you two I haven't seen her since" she explains "she's been all alone" I mutter "I have tried to find her but I had no success she didn't want to be found something she obviously learned from me" she says "well I think that's enough chit chat for now come brother let's leave the evil slut vampire to rot" says Damon "couldn't agree more" I say and turn away "no don't do this to me you guys need me Elena's in danger I can help protect her" Katherine pleas "we can protect her" says Damon before shutting the tomb closed   then he turns to me "we'll find Davina I promise you" he says patting me on the back before walking away.

Davina's pov

I pull my coat tighter against my body as I walk through the night, it's very chilly tonight and all I want to do is get home well it's not really home, I live in an orphanage yeah it's not very cool but where else can a 17 year old live when she's got nowhere else to go? luckily I won't be here long it's only temporary until I find my dad and uncle Damon I can't wait to see them again I've missed them so much and to think I thought they were dead because of Katherine god I hate that bitch she took me from my family and lied to me about it for years, she said she cared about me and wanted to keep me safe bullshit I can't believe I ever trusted her  well I was just a naive 7 year old who didn't know any better when she took me but now I know better and I'm smarter, stronger and wiser since I've been practicing and getting better at my magic and I know about Werewolves and Vampires, Katherine was more than helpful to tell me and I know my dad and uncle Damon are Vampires too and that my mom was a witch but unfortunately she died a few days after I was born well at least that's what Katherine told me so I don't know anyway because of what my parents are I'm supposedly a miracle child as vampires can't reproduce but my dad who is a vampire did. I have to be careful with my magic I can't expose it to anyone as it would put both me and that person in danger and I don't want to hurt anyone.

So I hope you enjoyed that new chapter up next

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A twist of fate (Kolvina) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora