Senior prank night hell

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Warning contains violence, swearing and some heartbreak

Davina's pov

Me and the girls head into the school and go to the history room where we are setting up our first prank and Tyler is helping us with the prank, Elena suggested that we plant a load of mouse traps all over the room and turn off the lights before anyone enters, "I can hear Matt coming this way" Caroline says as she listens out for people with her vamp hearing "turn off the lights and hide" Tyler says I lift my hand pointing it at the light switch and with a flick of my wrist the lights turn off and we all crouch down behind the desks, we all stay quiet as Matt opens the door and enters the room, stepping his foot right on the edge of one of the mouse traps making it snap shut and it bounces a little from the impact and lands on another mouse trap that was next to it and the same thing happens again and again like dominos, Matt jumped startled by the traps and we all jump up laughing our heads off once all the traps have gone off "dude you should've seen your face" Tyler says chuckling "what are you guys doing here?" Matt asks confused Caroline glares at him "don't tell us you forgot about senior prank night" she says "yeah we've been talking about this ever since freshman year" Elena says Matt nods his head and smiles "it must've slipped my mind I've been really busy" he says "well I'll see you losers later I'm going to fill the principal's office with toilet paper" Tyler says kissing Caroline's cheek as he passes Caroline rolls her eyes at her boyfriend "I'm going to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" she says before following after him "Bonnie can I talk to you please" Matt says looking a little desperate I wonder what's up with him "sure I'll see you guys in a few minutes" Bonnie says walking out the room with Matt leaving me and Elena alone, everything is silent for a few seconds until Elena's phone goes off indicating she's got a text, I watch as her eyes widen "Elena what is it?" I ask she looks up at me "it's from your dad he's here in the school" she says my eyes widen and my hands start sweating "where is he?" I ask "he's in the sports court" she says with that we head straight out the room only to come face to face with Klaus "Klaus" we both gasp in shock "you're supposed to be dead" he says glaring at Elena he goes to grab her but I raise my arm pointing my hand at him and I flick my wrist causing him to go flying down the hallway "let's get out of here" I say and we run as fast we can to get away from Klaus but we're stopped by a blonde girl "that was quite rude don't you think?" She says with an attitude "he deserved it" I say raising my eyebrow at her "who are you?" Elena asks "I'm Rebekah his little sister" she replies "I thought he only had one sibling Elijah" Elena says Rebekah smirks at her this girl is a bitch I don't like her "he has more than one sibling in fact I think you've had the privilege of meeting our other brother" she says looking at me "who?" I ask confused "Kol that guy you've been hanging out with" she says making my stomach drop and my heart twist in fear and doubt "no you're lying my Kol can't be your brother he would've told me if he had siblings especially if they were rude ones" I say Rebekah laughs "oh you poor naive thing you fell into his trap so bad" she says "Klaus had Kol hang out with you to distract you from getting in the way of his plans" she says my eyes start tearing up as my heart slowly breaks little by little at her words "I'm sorry to break it to you love but he was just playing you" she says I sniffle as a tear escapes rolling down my face "Davina don't listen to her she's just lying" Elena says touching my arm in a comforting manner "why would I lie?" Rebekah asks innocently but we all know she's anything but innocent "because you're evil just like Klaus and the two of you have nothing better to do than reck everybody's lives" Elena spat at her Rebekah stops smirking and glares at her "it's what we do to survive" she replies "it's not fare you can't just waltz into people's lives and tear them apart just for your own sake you're not the only ones that matter in the world" I say trying to seem confident even though I'm still breaking on the inside, Rebekah looks at me "you're upset I understand my brother has always been a charmer and a heartbreaker with the ladies" she says that's when I lose it and I scream, the ground shakes all the lights burst and the lockers fly open, the glass from the windows shatter into a million pieces and with so much anger I snap Rebekah's neck, I'm so carried away with the anger and the hurt that I don't feel liquid come from my nose and I don't realize that people are shouting my name "Davina!" "Davina!" "Davina love stop!" I snap out of it when I feel hands touch my face wiping some liquid away under my nose, I slowly open my eyes and my eyes harden at the sight of the person stood in front of me, the person that just broke my heart "Kol" I say he smiles "what's wrong? What was that about?" He asks I scoff in response "like you don't know" I say my tone filled with anger and disappointment "what are you going on about?" He asks "you can quit lying to me now I know the truth" I say he frowns "Davina I think you're tired so maybe you should go home" he says taking my hand in his but I rip it from his grasp "don't touch me you liar!" I yell he looks at me with hurt and worry in his eyes oh he's a good actor "darling" he starts but I cut him off "don't you dare call me darling I know your Klaus's brother and I know you only hung out and got together with me to distract me because he told you too" I say with all traces of hurt and betrayal in my voice just then Kol's eyes widen and I see guilt and fear in his eyes "I can explain" he says "just don't I think I already heard enough you were just playing me" I say faintly as tears fall down my cheeks "no Davina that's not true" he says I scoff "liar you were playing me this entire time everything between us has been a lie" I say turning around to walk away but I'm stopped when Kol moves to stand in front of me "that's not true us was never a lie I care about you" he says I bite my lower as salty hot tears continue to pour down my face "just stop please if you even cared about me you would've stopped the lies and you would've told me the truth but you didn't so you don't care about me we are a big massive fake we have been from the very start" I say "no no we are not a fake" he says "yes we are I'm so fucking stupid I can't believe I fell for your little act the whole time I thought we had something real but we never did it was just part of your little game to distract me" I say "Davina please" he says I see his eyes glistening like he's about to cry but that can't be real he doesn't care about me "just leave me alone Kol we're done" I say looking him in the eye before turning around and running away and out the school with nothing but tears strolling down my face and a heavy broken heart with one thought in my mind I can't stay here anymore I must leave even if my dad and uncle choose to stay here.

Aww poor Kol and Davina. Do you think Davina will really leave Mystic falls or will someone stop her? What's Kol going to do now will he let Davina walk away or will he fight for her? More drama to come stay tuned for more

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