Hello father

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3 days later

Davina's pov

I smile in relief once I pass the Mystic falls welcome sign I'm finally here after three long days of travelling. It's now 6 pm meaning mostly everyone will be inside their homes having dinner and family time while my father and uncle are probably out doing god knows what. I tell the cab driver to pull up outside a bar called Mystic grill "how much?" I ask "$12" the driver replies I hand him the money and hop out and make my way inside, once I'm inside this blonde haired guy comes up to me "hello I'm Matt Donovan how may I help you?" He asks "hi I'm a little lost could you help me?" I ask "sure what can I help you with?" He asks "I'm here for my father and uncle who I haven't seen in 10 years but I don't exactly know where they live" I say "family trouble I'm guessing?" He questions "yeah you have no idea" I say making him chuckle "Mystic falls is a small town so perhaps I know them what are their names​?" He asks "Stefan and Damon Salvatore" I say I frown when I see him pale "Stefan and Damon Salvatore?" He asks "yeah do you know them?" I ask pulling out my picture of them and handing it to him "that's them" I say "yeah I know them I'm just a little confused right now as Stefan Salvatore goes to my school" he says making me frown "why would he go to your school?" I ask "that's what I'm trying to figure out now that you've shown me that" he says nodding to the picture "well do you know where he lives?" I ask "the old Salvatore boarding house" he says "where is that?" I ask "I'll take it from here Matt" I hear a girl say behind me I turn to say a blonde haired girl "hi I'm Caroline Forbes and I happen to be a friend of the Salvatore's so come with me and I'll take you to their house" she says with a friendly smile as she leads me out the bar but I can't help but sense it's a fake one "I'm Davina" I say "whatever I don't care so what do you want from the Salvatore's?" She asks curiously getting straight to the point "nothing they're my family" I say "yeah I'm not buying it so I'm going to ask you again why are you here?" She asks impatiently​ and I can tell she's about to vamp out on me, yeah I know she's a vampire, witches have a gift of sensing when someone's​ a vampire it comes in handy "there's no need to get hostile with me I know you're a vampire and you don't scare me" I say folding my arms "what how do you know about vampires?" She asks "I'm a witch I can sense vampires and it's why I'm here" I say "okay you're here for the Salvatore's?" She asks "yes they're my father and uncle" I say making her chuckle "what's so funny?" I ask with a frown "nothing it's just how dumb do you think I am? It's impossible for you to be their daughter and niece vampires can't reproduce" she says I roll my eyes getting fed up of her attitude "yeah well whether you believe me or not I'm telling the truth now please take me to them or I'll just ask someone else" I say "fine just hold on" she says making me frown but I squeal when she takes me by the arm and flashes from the bar to a big house "for goodness sake was there any need for that?" I ask "sorry" she says before knocking on the door which opens a few seconds later by a cute brunette guy well he's definitely not my father or my uncle "Caroline what's up?" The guy asks looking at the blonde vamp "hi Jeremy I bumped into this girl she claims to know Stefan and Damon" Caroline replies "okay well come in" he says stepping aside to let us in and shuts the door behind us "so Caroline just thought you should have heads up about Elijah he's visited Elena" Jeremy says "okay thanks Jeremy​ but let's not discuss that in front of the girl" Caroline responds I just shake my head at her "Care who was at the door?" I turn to see who said that and see a beautiful dark skinned girl with black hair and warm brown eyes, I immediately sense she's a witch "oh my gosh" she says in shock once she sees me "what is it Bonnie?" Caroline asks "you're Davina" she says "wait you know her?" Caroline questions her "not personally I did a locating spell the other day to find you I didn't find out where you were but I saw your face" Bonnie replies "you're the witch who tried to find me?" I ask "yes" she replies "I felt it when you tried to find me and it's why I'm here for my father" I say "he's in the living room go" she urges gently using me in the direction of the living room when I enter I immediately see my father and uncle with their backs facing me "daddy uncle Damon?" I say making them instantly turn around "D-Davina" they stutter "hi" I say with a little wave and suddenly I'm engulfed in a hug by them both making me laugh "oh my god I can't believe it's you I'm so sorry about everything" father says "it's okay there's no need for you to be sorry you did nothing wrong" I say blinking away the tears that are desperate to escape "it's good to have you back kiddo" uncle Damon says ruffing up my hair making me frown "I'm 17 uncle Damon I'm not a kid" I say "hey you're still a kid to me" he says "oh shut up" I snort making them chuckle "Stefan" a girl says entering the room but stops once she sees me and I glare at the girl "Katherine?" I growl

So the chapter ends on a cliffhanger, stay tuned for more

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