father daughter

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Davina's pov

After I got dressed me and my dad left the boarding house and went to Mystic grill to have something to eat and drink "so how would you like to go to school here?" Dad asks once our food gets here, I ordered a burger and side salad with a pepsi and my dad got burger and chips with bourbon "I don't know I want to go to school but is now the right time with everything going on I'd rather have this whole ordeal sorted and then deal with school afterwards" I say "okay well once we get rid of Klaus I will sign you up for school" he says "wait can't I just be homeschooled besides won't it be awkward if I go to school with you my dad" I say with my eyebrow raised "you're probably right and homeschooling does sound great so I'll look into it" he says "great thanks dad" I say "so have you met any boys?" He asks I instantly blush thinking of Kol "just one he's a vampire actually but he's really nice" I say "I wasn't aware there was another vampire in Mystic falls well other than me, my brother, Klaus, Elijah and Katherine of course" he says "he's new to town he said he's just visiting" I say "okay perhaps I could meet this guy" he says "oh there's no need we're not even dating we're just friends" I say "I should still meet this guy though so I know he's not a threat to you" he says "trust me dad he's not a threat besides we've only been friends for a few days and I want to give it a while before you meet him" I say "very well then I just hope he doesn't turn out to be some psychotic vampire" he says "I can assure you he's not" I say but little did I know how very wrong I was but little did I know that I'd have very strong feelings for him.

I know it's short but the next chapter should be longer, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for more

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