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Marnie's pov

I stare at him with hate, disappointment and hurt, how could he push our daughter aside for his girlfriend, she's his daughter his flesh and blood she's more important than some girl who's only going to break his heart because she loves his brother "baby? What baby?" Stefan asks Davina starts to get out of bed but I prevent her from doing so "no sweetie stay in bed it's important for you to not get any more stressed" I say she sighs defeated but swings her legs out to the side so she's sitting up but she's still in bed "can someone please answer my question? What baby?" Stefan asks growing frustrated "my baby" Davina says "your baby? I don't understand" he replies "dad I'm pregnant" Davina says placing a hand on her stomach Stefan frowns but then a grin appears on his face "did you cheat on Kol?" He asks sounding happy I shake my head and scoff at him "no the baby is his" Davina says glaring at him making Stefan's grin disappear and he scowls "how could you let this happen?" He asks "I didn't know it was going to happen I know it happened with you and Mom but the chances of something happening like that again was impossible so I didn't think to get any contraception to prevent myself from becoming pregnant" Davina says "well look what's happened because you chose to be careless" he says "I wasn't being careless you can't fault me for not knowing If I get pregnant by sleeping with a vampire" she says "what were you doing sleeping with him in the first place huh?" He asks I clench my fists tightly he's starting to piss me off "he's my boyfriend and I love him" she says "you know nothing about love Kol doesn't love you he's using you and now you're pregnant he has a way to manipulate and control you for the rest of your life" he says Davina starts crying "alright that's enough out of you!" I snap startling him "you have no idea what you're talking about that boy loves our daughter but you don't see it because you're too busy sucking up to your girlfriend I've had to watch everything our daughter went through from being alone because of that slut Katherine and now I've had to watch as you continuously abandon her and disregard her feelings for Elena those doppelgangers are trouble but you don't see it you're too blind to see it" I say glaring at him no matter how much I've missed him he's not getting off hook after everything our daughter went through on her own and while living here because of those blasted doppelgangers I hate both Katherine and Elena they are a danger to everyone, Katherine had me killed and stole my daughter from her father and Elena naively believed Esther wanted to protect Davina from Kol and ended up putting her and her unborn child in danger because of her selfish desire to get rid of the Mikaelsons I get Klaus tried to sacrifice her and killed her aunt I know that's bad but she unknowingly put everyone in Mystic falls in danger because of her stupid decisions, oh yeah I've been watching everything.

Davina's pov

I watch as my parents argue my mom is furious with Dad for pushing me aside and making Elena his main priority it feels good to have a parent defend and fight for you as my mother did tonight with Esther and now with dad she's really putting him in his place "yes I know Elena's been in danger because of Klaus but that gives you no right to ditch your daughter then try to step up when she's dating his brother just because you hate Klaus!" Mom yells "I'm trying to protect her obviously I failed since that original prick knocked her up with his devil child!" Dad snaps making my heart break mom walks over to him and slaps him across the face "how can't you see he loves her? Maybe if you had stopped for one second to observe and get to know Kol you'd know he cares about our daughter" mom hisses "how could you possibly know yourself? You were dead for 18 years so you don't know him either" dad says "I may have been dead but that doesn't mean I never looked out for Davina because I did I always did she's my little girl and I was there every moment of her life including when she met Kol and I know how someone looks when they are in love" mom says tearfully I stand up from the bed and walk to her, I hug her burying my head in her chest "mom" I mutter she hushes me stroking my back "Marnie if you've watched her then you'll know he's no good for Davina" dad says taking a step towards us I straighten myself up and glare at him "enough" I snap my blood boiling "Davina" dad starts but I cut him off "no you're done talking it's my turn I love Kol and he loves me but you don't see it because your loyalty to Elena makes you blind to it I'm pregnant with his child and I couldn't be any more happier this will change everything but I don't care all I care about is giving my child a good stable life filled with people who love him or her" I say taking a deep breath before continuing "I want my baby to have what I didn't have growing up, a family" I say "you had a family" dad says "you and uncle Damon yeah but I didn't have my mom" I say mom rubs my back in comfort "I want my baby to have both parents along with his or her aunt's and uncles and grandparents the ones who don't want to kill him or her my child will get that with me, Kol and his siblings they've been amazing to me since I discovered I was pregnant but I want my parents involved too along with uncle Damon but I think there's going to be a problem with that part" I say "what do you mean by a problem sweetheart?" Mom asks "I can't handle any more drama in my life especially now that I'm having a baby I'm going to start cutting people off from my life the people who I think will be a danger to my baby or be a bad influence" I say "well you should consider cutting off Kol and his siblings" dad says "I'm not talking about cutting them off they are important to me and this baby as you are mom" I say looking at her she smiles "ever since you and uncle Damon found out I've started dating Kol again after finding out he's Klaus's brother you two along with everyone else except from Caroline have been on my case fighting threatening to make Kol pay if he didn't break up with me and I'm sick of it I don't need any of that in mine or my baby's life so I'm going to ask nicely for you stop with all the bullshit for the sake of me and my child but if you don't then I'm afraid I will cut you both from my life" I say I see hurt flash through dad's eyes "you can't be serious?" He asks "I am serious my child comes first and I'm not going to keep someone in my life if I think they're gonna harm my child so you and Uncle Damon need to man up put aside your differences with the Mikaelsons otherwise if you don't and you just continue the way you're doing now then we'll be going our separate ways dad" I say before walking out the room to find Kol I need a hug as I'm going to cry.

Aww poor Davina, what did you think? Stay tuned for more

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