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Davina's pov

I groan as I turn on my side opening my eyes to see Kol sitting by me "Kol" I say weakly he smiles at me "hey how are you feeling?" He asks stroking my hair "like crap is your mom gone?" I ask fearing that Esther may have escaped "she's dead your mother and aunt killed her" he says my eyes widen in shock "my mom?" I say he nods "yeah don't you remember that other woman who turned up with your aunt she's your mother" he says frowning "sorry everything is a blur so I don't remember much because of the fear of me and our unborn baby being killed" I say "it's fine I understand do you want to see her she's downstairs waiting to see you" he says I nod sitting up about to get out of bed when Kol stops "hold on you're staying in bed you need to relax after what happened your mother will come up to you" he says kissing my forehead before exiting the room, I sigh leaning back against the bed board.

I look to the door as it opens and a woman walks in, I hesitantly smile as she walks closer to me "mom" I say with a slight tremble in my lips "hey baby" she says sitting on the chair by the bed that Kol had previously been sat in "how are you here? I thought you were dead?" I ask confused "I was dead but your aunt and a friend of ours resurrected me so I could protect you" she says taking hold of one of my hands I smile at her "how do you know I'm pregnant?" I ask she smiles "sweetheart I may have been dead but that didn't stop me from watching over you also I heard what Esther was planning on doing to you and your baby that's how I know and your aunt knew you were pregnant when she met you but she never said anything because you weren't aware at the time and you needed to find out yourself" she says I burst into tears and practically throw myself into her arms "mom" I cry she hugs me stroking my hair "sh it's okay baby calm down momma's here" she says "please don't leave me I need you" I cry into her jacket "I'm not going to leave you ever again I promise" she says pulling away and kissing my forehead just as the bedroom door opens and my dad walks in but stops when he sees my mother "Marnie" he gasps in shock my mom straightens herself up before standing up to face him "hello Stefan" she says crossing her arms "how are you alive? You said you were dead Katherine said you were dead" he rambles "I was dead but I was resurrected in order to protect our daughter who was in danger because of Esther and no thanks to that girlfriend of yours" mom growls dad frowns and gulps "Marnie I'm sorry" he says "why are you apologizing to me it's our daughter you should be apologizing too you completely tossed her aside for your girlfriend I get you deserve to be happy but Davina's your daughter she comes first and so does her baby" she says dad's eyes widen in shock dun dun

Ending this on a cliff hanger stay tuned for more

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