They meet

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Davina's pov

I quietly leave the boarding house as my dad is currently doing the dirty with Elena and I really don't want to stay and listen to their screams of pleasure, so I decided to go out and explore more of Mystic falls since I haven't seen all of it yet due to well Elena's drama that's been going on and I've also been catching up as much as I can with my dad but he's mostly always with Elena but no biggy I still have Uncle Damon to hang out with he's been really fun to hang out with m, to be honest I've seen more of my uncle than I have of my dad he's just too busy with protecting Elena and spending quality time with her which makes me feel isolated and a little abandoned I mean I get Elena's his girlfriend and of course he's allowed to spend time with her but I'm his daughter who he hasn't seen in 7 years thanks to his slutty physco of an ex girlfriend Katherine, it makes me sad that he's only spent so little time with me since we've been reunited it's like he doesn't care about me, I mean I know he does well at least I think he cares I mean what type of father doesn't care about their own daughter, I just miss how we use to be when it was just me, him and Uncle Damon, me and my dad use to be so close when I was younger but I suppose me being gone for 7 years sort of changes how someone feels towards their own child but things are still the same between Uncle Damon and I, we're closer than ever he's more protective over me than he was 7 years ago, you'd actually think he was my dad instead of Stefan since he spends more time with me than my own dad. I'm so deep into my thoughts I don't realise that I was heading straight into a door that was opening until I smacked right into it, I instantly hold my nose "ow stupid door" I wince in pain "what did that door ever do to you?" Someone says behind me, I stand up straight before looking behind me to see a very handsome boy stood there, he looked to be 19-20 years old and was tall, had perfect facial structures I mean those jaw bones are just defined and those brown eyes filled with seem to be filled mischief and amusement and he's also quite muscular from what I can see "it came out of nowhere" I say but mentally kick myself for saying that, the boy chuckled at my response "well how rude of that door to just appear and hit you in the face like that" he comments "I know right I should perhaps report it to the owner of the store that door could cause some serious damage" I say trying to play along since it appears that's what he is doing "you should but I think you should get that looked at first I think you're getting a bruise" he points out walking closer to me "it's no biggy nothing some ointment can't fix" I say "you sure that door hit you pretty hard" he says "I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle I'm a tough girl" I say confidently "beautiful, tough and confident my type of girl I'm Kol" he says holding out a hand to me "and I'm leaving I hope to see you around Kol" I say walking around him while keeping eye contact with him as I do I can't help but smirk at him as he watches me and as I walk away I feel his eyes on my backside making me feel a little flushed and maybe a little insecure.

Kol's pov

I watch with amusement as the girl known as Davina walks away from me, damn Nik didn't tell me she was that gorgeous or sexy for that matter, I had been following her as she left the Salvatore boarding house, I wanted to wait for the right moment to appear and when she walked into that door, I chose that as my opportunity to appear to her but before she had walked into that door I couldn't help but notice the look on her face she was obviously deep in thought but whatever it was she was thinking about it made her upset, her soft pink lips were formed into a cute but sad pout, I wonder what was going on in that pretty little mind of hers whatever it was, I will find out and not just because Nik wants me to be her distraction but because I want to know what made her upset and make it better, I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to having to charm or waste my time on some girl for Nik but now I am looking forward to it, Davina intrigues me and I want to know everything about her and devour her, mind body and soul, is that weird? What am I thinking she's a weak mortal and I shouldn't be thinking like that, I need to keep myself in check I can't think like that I am Kol Mikaelson Original Vampire and I am the wildest of the Mikaelsons, I am ruthless, cunning and cruel I just need to keep telling myself that.

So they've met and Kol is instantly intrigued by Davina and as chapters progress and as Kol and Davina start to get to know each other and form a friendship which will soon turn into a relationship, Kol will do a lot of questioning and so will Davina, I hope you liked this chapter, stay tuned for more

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