Looking for her

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Stefan's pov

I never got any sleep last night for two reasons 1 I just found out my daughter's alive and is somewhere out there 2 Elena has been kidnapped Damon's on his way to get her back while I stayed home as I can't think straight all I can think about is how my daughter is all alone out there, is she safe? Does she know I still think of her everyday I mean it's pretty hard to forget about the only child you ever had. Once Elena is home and safe I'm gonna need Bonnie's help in finding my daughter she needs to be with her real family not a fake one like Katherine who only took her because she was jealous I just hope Katherine didn't harm her while she had her but with Katherine you can never be too sure. I look out the window when I hear a car stop outside, I see Damon and Elena climb out the car, thank god she's okay I zoom down to the front door in vamp speed to greet Elena as she enters the house "Elena thank god you're okay" I say bringing her into a hug "I'm fine but are you okay you look distressed" she says holding my face in her hands "I'm fine" I say "you don't look fine what happened with Katherine?" She asks "I'll tell you later but for now how about you tell me what happened?" I suggest "okay well the guy who kidnapped me was compelled by a vampire called Trevor and he took me to this empty house in the middle of nowhere where another vampire was her name was Rose they had kidnapped for some guy called Elijah who apparently is an original" she explains "they wanted to trade her for freedorm apparently they made a mistake of trusting Katherine and have been on the run from Elijah for centuries" Damon explains entering the house "she mentioned someone named Klaus another original" says Elena "who are the originals?" I ask "that's what I'm going to figure out" says Elena walking to the door "now where do you think you're going?" Damon asks "the only person who probably knows anything about Elijah and Klaus is stuck in a tomb so I'm going to ask her" she says "how about no let's not do that" says Damon "I'm with Damon on this she can't exactly be trusted" I say "well it can't hurt to try right" she says "my answer is still no" Damon replies "we can get answers about Elijah and Klaus without asking Katherine" I say "fine" she says "good now that's settled let's find Davina" Damon says "who's Davina?" Elena asks "she's my daughter" I say "d-daughter? You have a daughter?" She asks shocked "yes" I reply "how I thought vampires can't have children?" She asks "they can't but Stefan here got someone pregnant it's a miracle actually" says Damon "how come I've never met her or heard of her?" She asks "because my daughter is a personal subject 10 years ago there was a fire Davina was inside and she was nowhere to be found when the fire was put out so I thought she was dead until now" I say "what do you mean until now?" She asks "Katherine made a confession last night that she started the fire and kidnapped Davina and told her that me and Stefan had died because she wanted to be the mother of Stefan's child and she was jealous that some other woman had the privilege too" Damon explains "oh my god so your daughter's been with Katherine this whole time?" She asks Elena "no she ran away from Katherine when she was 13 as she discovered Katherine had lied to her about our deaths Katherine hasn't seen her since" I explain "how old is she?" She asks "she will be 17" I say "well would you look at that your girlfriend and daughter are the same age awkward" says Damon "shut up Damon" I say "how do you know Katherine was telling the truth?" Elena asks "because it sounds like something Katherine would do and I saw in her eyes she was telling the truth" I say "I'll call Bonnie she'll be able to find her" she says "I was going to ask her but it might be better if you ask her as I know how she feels about me" I say Elena nods in response and gets out her phone dialling Bonnie's number "hey Bonnie yeah I'm fine and I got your message thanks" she says "oh thank god you're okay me and Jeremy were getting worried" Bonnie says "well I'm safe now anyway I'm calling to ask for a favour" Elena says "sure what's up?" Bonnie asks "perhaps it's better if you come over to Stefan and Damon's so we can talk in person" Elena suggests "oh okay I'll be there soon" Bonnie says before hanging up "Bonnie's on her way" Elena says looking at me "thanks for this I appreciate how supportive you're being" I say honestly "it's fine she's your daughter who was taken from you by Katherine and nobody deserves having their child taken from them" she says I go to answer but I'm stopped by someone knocking at the door "well that was quick" Damon says swigging on a bottle of bourbon before walking to the door and opening it to let Bonnie "so what do you need me for?" She asks "maybe you should sit down first and I'll explain" I say Bonnie nods and hesitantly sits down

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