Hello Elijah

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Kol's pov

I just arrived home after compelling some mortals to go look for the guy that harmed my Davina wait hold on, my Davina? What's going on with me, oh well anyways I know Davina never told me the guy's name or what he looks like but I have my ways of finding things out and I know he's in Chicago so that's where I sent those mortals. Just as I'm halfway up the stairs I look down as I hear the door open and close, I turn around and my eyes widen at the person standing by Nik holy shit "well well if it isn't Elijah" I taunt as I start making my way back down the stairs "Kol you're undaggered" he says "yes I am our brother Nik here undaggered me because he needed my help" I say "you've been involved with planning to sacrifice Elena​" he says inspecting me I roll my eyes at him "no he's actually been distracting Stefan's daughter so she didn't get in the way of my plans" Nik tells him "Davina?" Elijah questions "yes you've met her?" I ask him "just once but I found her to be rather interesting more so than Elena herself so I must ask what are your intentions with the girl?" He asks "he's going to keep Davina distracted until I say otherwise" Nik says before I can say anything "so she's just a pawn in this plan to become this beast you so desperately​ seeked to be?" Elijah asks Nik looking him in the eye "well I wouldn't exactly call her a pawn I want Davina as an ally she's powerful and I need powerful for people to fear me I will use Davina as our little go to witch" Nik explains my blood instantly boils I can't let him use Davina for his own selfish reasons "so Kol is just to distract and play around with Davina until you say so?" Elijah asks "exactly" Nik responds "I advise you not to do this that girl is innocent she does not deserve to be used for your own gain and she certainly doesn't deserve to be played by you Kol" he says sternly I instantly feel hurt by his comment even though I've played girls before throughout a thousand years and I've never cared about what I did to them or what my siblings say but Davina is different in a way I just can't explain, I care about that little witch I'm not afraid to admit that well I won't admit it out loud to my brother's because Elijah will probably just call me a liar and Nik will most likely dagger me for caring about Stefan Salvatore's daughter, I haven't​ known Davina long but she has done something to me, she's making me feel things I haven't felt in a thousand years and I honestly don't know what to do about it "relax Elijah don't be a spoil sport no harm will come to the girl as long as she obeys me when the time comes for me to take her away" Nik says "you want to take Stefan's daughter away from him right after he's just been rekindled with her?" I ask before I can even stop myself "why do you care Kol? She's nothing but a little quest to you on my behalf?" He asks with a cocky smirk "I don't it's just come on brother the girl was separated from her dad for 10 years give her a break" I say trying to pass off what I just said, bloody hell one more word and I could've spilled to him that I'm developing feelings for Stefan's daughter, I need to be more careful "fine I'll let her enjoy some time with her dad and then I will take her and she will never see her dad again" he says "Niklaus I can't allow you to do that you have destroyed too many lives your target was Elena and now you have what you wanted but now of course you want more but I'm afraid I have to draw the line at Davina you shall leave her be that goes for you too Kol" Elijah say "well then I believe it's time for a little family reunion" Nik says plunging a dagger in Elijah's chest at the last word "sorry brother I can't let you stop my plans" he says as he lays Elijah down on the floor "Kol please put our brother in his coffin I shall undagger him when I see fit" Nik says walking away, I sigh and pick up Elijah and take him to his coffin in the basement well it's more like I drag him to his coffin and then I place him in the coffin and shut the lid and head back out the basement and to my room so I can chill out, things are getting way too intense around here.

New chapter, sorry it's been awhile​, hope you liked it. Stay tuned for more

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A twist of fate (Kolvina) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora