Josie's on a misson

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So this chapter just features Josie who is on a very discrete missing, a mission that could very well save Davina and her unborn child along with the Mikaelson. Sorry I've had to unpublished this chapter because of some errors

Josie's pov

I anxiously bite my nails as I watch my friend Vincent prepare a spell, Vincent is a witch from my home town New Orleans, he was friends with my late father who tragically died under 'mysterious circumstances' and when I say mysterious circumstances I mean my bitch of a mother. Now I'm sure you're wondering what type of spell is he preparing, well the answer to that is a resurrection spell, I'm going to resurrect my sister I've actually been searching for a way to resurrect her ever since she was murdered 18 years ago but I unfortunately had no luck it was if someone was trying to prevent me from finding the spell I needed in order to bring my sister back but when I met Davina I knew I needed to find a way to resurrect her soon not just for my sake but Davina's sake as well as her unborn child's, yes I know about her pregnancy I knew the moment I saw her I could feel the presence of another family member due to our magic but I never said a word to her about it knowing she wasn't aware of her pregnancy and I knew she had to find out on her own. My sister is currently on the other side I know this because I feel her and sometimes if I stay really quiet I can almost hear her talking, I know she's been watching over her daughter like I've been doing and I know she's become increasingly worried the last few weeks due to some crazy witch who has been trying to come back to life but this crazy witch is Kol's mother Esther she wants to kill her children and rid the earth of vampires which got my sister worried as her lover and Davina's father is a vampire and of course Davina's boyfriend is a vampire but that's not what got us really worried, word got out to other witches on the other side that Esther believes Davina shouldn't have been born and wants to kill her along with her unborn child, you might ask how I know this well a week after Davina and Kol left my apartment I received a spell off Vincent a spell which would allow me to get in contact with the dead and well I got in contact with my sister and she told me, ever since I had been searching even harder for a resurrection spell because I knew we both had to be alive if we want to protect Davina and her unborn child from Esther's wicked plans, I swear when I see that bitch I will hex the shit out of her actually a hex probably won't cause her enough pain but mark my words me and my sister will make Esther Mikaelson pay for targeting our family, nobody messes with us Claire witches no matter how powerful they may be.

Vincent looks my way after finishing the set up for the spell "the spell is ready" he says I smile at graciously "thank you Vincent I can't begin to explain how much this means to me" I say "not a problem Jo I promised your father I would always be there for you and your sister though I broke that promise when your mother and that disgraceful coven sacrificed Marnie" he says sadly "none of that was your fault you were with your wife who had been giving birth at the time my father would understand" I say Vincent is married to a woman called Maxine she's a very lovely lady, she has a son called Adam who is from a previous marriage but Vincent treats him as if he were his own son, they got married after dating for a year and had a little boy who they named Rex, three years after Rex was born they had a daughter who they named Sienna, I'm super close with the whole family in fact I'm Rex and Sienna's godmother "I'm still sorry for not being there" he says pulling me away from my thoughts "don't feel guilty about it Vince my sister won't want you feeling guilty" I say he nods I look at the grimore to read through the spell before we start "right for this spell to work it requires the blood of two family members and the power of two witches" I say "the two witches part is already sorted as for the blood of two family members obviously your blood will be one but what of the other" Vincent says I pull a vial of blood out of my bag and hand it to him "here" I say handing it to him "who's blood is this?" He asks "it's the blood of Marnie's daughter" I say "how did you get this?" He asks looking at the vial of my nieces blood "I told her I needed a bit of her blood for a spell that would protect her" I say "why didn't you tell her you needed it to resurrect her mother?" He asks "if I told her she would've wanted to stay and help but it wouldn't have been safe for her and I didn't want to tell her in case it doesn't work" I say "you're prehaps right so shall we start" he says "yes I've waited long enough" I say Vincent pours the blood from the vial into the coffin that contains my sisters remains along with soil which is needed for the spell, I carefully slit the palm of my hand and drip a few drops of blood into the coffin then me and Vincent stand on opposite sides of the coffin and hold hands over the coffin, we start chanting the chandles in the circle light up and the wind picks up as we chant louder, thunder bursts from the skies, the chandles blow out and thunder and window stop at once when we stop chanting me and Vincent let go of each other's hands and we stand in silence as we stare at the coffin, I feel disappointment fill my veins as nothing happens, I go to turn away when there's a thump from inside the coffin making me instantly turn back hope returns inside me as a few more thumps are head and suddenly a hand bursts through the soil which is followed by another, a smile appears on my face as my sister pops her head out, the spell worked my sister is alive and together we can protect Davina and her unborn child from that wicked witch Esther.

Here comes momma and aunt to the rescue, what do you think will happen when they get to Mystic falls? How do you think Davina and Stefan will react to seeing Marnie? How do you think Elena will react and feel about the return of the mother of Stefan's daughter? Stay tuned for more

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