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Obviously you all know what this chapter is going to be about due to the title, I hope you enjoy

Davina's pov

I wake up with Kol's strong arms wrapped around my waist, I instantly snuggle against his chest out of comfort and I smile when I feel him kiss my shoulder "morning" he mumbles against my skin before placing another kiss on my shoulder "morning" I say turning over to face him, he reaches a hand out to my face stroking it gently making me smile but my smile fades when I feel my stomach flip "what's wrong love?" Kol asks concerned but I don't answer as I practically fly out of bed and dash into his bathroom shutting the door behind me before landing on my knees as I lean my head over the toilet bowl and throw up "Davina" Kol says knocking on the door "don't come in I'm fine" I say before throwing up again "you do know I can hear you throwing up right?" He says "I'm fine I'll be out in a minute" I say as I stand up wiping my mouth and flushing the toilet "what's going on?" I hear Rebekah ask from outside the bathroom "Davina's being sick" Kol says "I see why don't you go downstairs and have some blood I'll deal with Davina" Rebekah says "I can't leave her knowing she's sick" he replies "Kol she'll be fine and you're only going downstairs so don't be dramatic" Rebekah says I hear Kol sigh in defeat before walking away a minute later I hear Rebekah knock on the door "Davina he's gone downstairs can you come out" she says I slowly walk over to the door and open it slightly making Rebekah smile "atta girl now come on tell me what's wrong?" She asks concerned I walk over to Kol's bed and sit down burying my face in my hands "I don't exactly know" I say honestly "you've just been sick and from I've heard it's not the only time you've been sick either" Rebekah says "at first I thought I caught some virus but when it didn't go away I thought it could be to due to stress with everything that's gone on lately" I say "well in that case you just need to relax and I know it's hard but stress isn't good for a girl as young as yourself" Rebekah says "you're right" I say nodding my head "come on I'm taking you out shopping" she says "seriously? Do you really think shopping will help with stress" I say "yes besides I've been dying to go shopping but I've had no one to go with" she says sadly "I guess a bit of shopping wouldn't hurt" I say standing up "that's the spirit now get dressed then we'll leave you can grab breakfast on the way out" she says "I don't have any clothes I didn't exactly expect to stay the night" I say Rebekah smiles "wait here" she says before vamp speeding out the room, she returns a few seconds later with some clothes in hand "here" she says handing me the clothes "thanks Rebekah" I say I head back into the bathroom to get dressed, in the midst of getting changed I notice a calander handing on the wall, why does Kol have a calendar in his bathroom? And why didn't I notice it before? Just then a thought storms my brain making me freeze but I slowly walk over to the calendar today is September the 14th I should've had my period last week, actually now that I think about it I didn't get my period last month either I feel as if my heart stops beating when I recall when I had my last period, June was the last I had my period shit it can't be down to stress can it? Of course it can't I wasn't as stressed back then as I am now, I suddenly start to doubt if my sickness is down to stress actually now that I think about it I've only ever been sick in the morning and occasionally in the afternoon but the sickness never hits me as hard as it does in the morning, I walk away from the calendar and stand in front of the mirror, I hesitantly turn side ways and I slightly lift up my shirt only to the point my stomach is showing, I slowly rub my stomach and as I rub my stomach I frown as I feel it's slightly different than it should be it feels firm and slightly curved as if it's starting to form, my heart feels heavy as I come to the conclusion of what's really happening to me but it's impossible isn't it? But yet again prehaps it's not impossible as it happened with my mom and dad, there's only one way to find out for sure, I need to get a test.

Me and Rebekah arrive at Mystic mall half an hour later as we sort of had a hard time convincing Kol to let me go but he soon gave in when Rebekah said I'll be fine with her and that I needed to relieve some stress. Rebekah treated me to a manicure and a nice foot, hand and back massage which really made me relax and I walked out the spa feeling calmer and fresher, we went to a few shops and I bought a few things while Rebekah bought a load not that I'm surprised by it "right I think that's us done for today ready to go back to Kol" Rebekah asks as we exit a cafe that we had just eaten at "not yet I need to pop to the pharmacy first" I say Rebekah frowns "why?" She asks I feel my heart hammer against my chest should I tell her? I mean this won't just affect mine and Kol's life it will affect hers too along Elijah, Klaus, my dad and uncle's lives "Davina what's wrong?" Rebekah noticing the worry and fear on my face "I just need some medicine that's all" I say deciding it will better I tell her once I know for sure "okay" she says looking at me suspiciously I gulp knowing she knows I'm lying but I'm glad she doesn't push the subject any further. We arrive at the pharmacy a few minutes later "just wait out here for me I'll only be a minute" I say before rushing into the store, I quickly make my way to the parent planning isle and grab the first pregnancy test I see I also grab three bottles of water too and rush to the till, I pay for the test without looking at the employer serving me not wanting to see the look of disgust on their face, I shove the test in my bag before exiting the store meeting Rebekah "got what you needed?" She asks "yeah" I say opening one of the bottles and taking a big sip as we walk towards the exit of the mall.

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