<You don't remember me>

Start from the beginning

"Damn! Ōkami's carrying the Princess! Princess style! " Karasuno hollered, pointing at me. Only at this moment, did I realise what I was doing. I had my dearest angel, Akazuki, in my arms. At this moment, I looked down to her face. Innocently staring at me in confusion, I gave her my signature smile once again. she snapped out of her trance as she freed herself from me. "Eh ah err..." she had stuttered out, feeling awkward. "Oh yeah! Sorry. Sorry." I apologised, still in shock.

Akazuki's POV
I did not seem to reach the ground as I was falling. Suddenly I could feel strong a strong pair of arms holding me at my waist and near my thighs. Lifting me up into the air, as if I was flying. I heard Karasuno shouting when I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a pair of cobalt eyes.

They were Ōkami's. He was the one carrying me! Suddenly my heart started to beat faster and I was all flustered. What was this feeling? Standing up from him, a few sounds came out of my mouth and Ōkami popped into realisation. "Thank you Ōkami-Kun." I muttered as I did a 90 degree bow towards him. When I looked up, I could see him scratching head, his face all red as he shook his head. This time round, I sat down onto my seat properly and took out a storybook to read.

"Class take out...", Sensei instructed as he walked in. Karasuno had bid farewell to Ōkami and ran off to his own class. That was when Ōkami's attention turned to me...again.

Ōkami's POV
Sensei started babbling about math and equations. Leaving all of us to copy down his workings that he had done on the chalkboard. After that, he assigned us to do a worksheet as he rested on his table. He was probably using his phone. What an irresponsible teacher! Just as I was doing the worksheet, I came across something I did not know how to solve. "Psst. Can you help me please?" I said as l turned my head to look at her.

Turning to look at me, she placed her hand on my shoulder and said,"Sure, 'Sensei' will teach Ōkami-Kun!" She exclaimed as she giggled. Seeing her, I could not stop myself as I burst out laughing hysterically. Everyone looked at us, giving us questioning looks.

Sensei had stood up, his foot slamming onto the floor with a loud 'bang'. "Ōkami shut up!" He shouted in a stern voice. His eyes staring at me with annoyance. "Sure Sensei." I responded, performing a mock salute. That made everyone laugh. I turned to look back at Akazuki with a smirk,"Though I prefer this Sensei so much more. " I complimented her and added wink.

Akazuki looked at me, a cheeky smile appeared as she rolled her eyes. Then she started shifting closer to me. Using her pencil to point at my textbook. Her melodic voice rang in my ears, when she explained how I should go about doing the question. That took me back to when we first met. I remember when she thanked me for those flowers. "Hey, remember those flowers that I gave you back when we were four?" I asked her, cutting her off what she was explaining. She looked up and gave me a confused look.

Akazuki's POV
Flowers? When did Ōkami ever give me any, plus I just got to know him recently. What was he talking about? With a confused look on my face, I lifted my head to look at him. "What do you mean Ōkami-Kun? I have only known you for a month, not since we were four." I questioned. His eyes widened, I could see sadness in them. His mouth seemed to curve downwards. "Haha good joke Akazuki. " He said, giving a fake laugh as he smiled again.

I raised my eyebrows signaling to him that I did not understand him. All I got in return was seeing that his eyes were filled with shock and dismay. "Nevermind. " He said, turning back to his work. Seeing this, I turned backed to mine. However as I did my work, I could hear repetitive mumbling. "It can't be, it can't be..." I turned to the direction of the sound. It was Ōkami. He was not doing his work. Instead he was staring at his work, holding his hand to his head.

What was he speaking about? Thinking for a while, it could be a math question! "Hey Ōkami, need help?" I asked as I touched him on the shoulder, giving a tiny smile. He flinched at my touch and turned to look at me. "No thanks." He said, his tone was so cold. It kinda hurt...

Ōkami's POV
Class was over, I had to keep my cool till I went home. So I bit my tongue. I winced at the pain, but the pain helped. It told me that I needed to keep my cover. Not to turn halfway through class.

(Time skip to lunch)

Although I was hungry, I hurriedly rushed to the sports storeroom. Slamming the door shut and locking myself in. Many thoughts ran through my mind as I sat down, leaning against the wall. Akazuki did not remember. How could she? How could she not REMEMBER ME?! Why did Akazuki not remember what happened between us all those years back?!

My mind was driving me crazy. My fingernails was digging into my arms. Embedding them slightly, but it was enough to tear the epidermis. Blood dripping down my arms. My ears and tail had already appeared, my fur started to appear. I was trying hard not to turn into a wolf. Not to go crazy in school. My breathing quickened, becoming heavier by each breath. Tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. 

Karasuno POV
Where was he? Where was Ōkami? After class had ended, I went to his class to have lunch with him. However when I reached there, instead of him, it was Hana in his seat. "Hey Princess where is Ōkami?" I asked in pressed voice. "He just ran out after class in a rush. "Akazuki said in between mouthfuls of her bento.

"Thanks!" I shouted as I ran out. I knew where he was. He was always like this. To where you may ask? To where l have finally reached. The sports storeroom. I tried to open the storeroom but it was locked. With all my strength, I rammed myself into it. "Bam! Bam! " It took me a few tries before I could bust it down.

Inside was Ōkami. He was trembling so hard as he rocked himself. His entire body was nearly covered in fur. Tears filled his eyes and blood streaked down his arms. I rushed to his side, "Ōkami why?!" I shouted. "Karasuno! WHY! WHY CANT SHE REMEMBER?! WHY!" He shouted, his voice so strained and hoarse. Like someone in who had been thrown into the asylum.

I pat Ōkami on his head. "Don't worry, she would remember. How could she not? Just leave it for a while. Calm down. Please, You're hurting. " I said softly. Smoothing his hair back. This always calmed him down when he went like this. "Grrr." He made growls here and there occasionally, but they became softer and softer.

Soon he stopped and laid on my shoulder. The last few tears rolling down his cheeks and onto my shoulder. "Why? Does she not remember? I really love her..." he continued mumbling to himself. Crying and crying, till my entire shoulder was soaked in his tears. "Class is starting soon, i need to patch you up." I whispered to him. I used the first aid kit in the store to bandage the wounds on his arms, and I passed him my jacket. He got up, using the sleeves to rub his tears away. He washed his face at the sink inside the storeroom, and plastered a smile on his face.

By now his ears and tail disappeared, he was fully human again. Putting my arm over his shoulder, we walked back to class. Not speaking, pretending that nothing had happened at all...

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now