
We stood in front of Takoba National Arena, where the exam will take place. I was wearing a jacket with hood on. "Getting nervous now." Jiro groaned. "Still no clue what this test's about. Can we really earn our licenses?" Mineta asked to no one, but Aizawa's walked near him and said, "Mineta, it's not a matter of can. You will." Jolting the boy who replied, "R-r-right, of course!!"

Aizawa-sensei gives give some inspirational speech and ended with, "Show them your best.". I smirked sadistically and replied "Roger!"

"Yeah! We're gonna hatch from those eggs!!"

"TIME FOR OUR CHEER! All together now! PLUS..." Kirishima started.

"ULTRA!!!" The loudest one came from behind Kirishima. A boy from another school shouted 'plus ultra' with us. "It's bad manners to intrude on another group's huddle. Inasa." Another voice came from a group that wears the same uniform with this 'Inasa'. "AH, YOU GOT ME!" Inasa yelled.

"I AM SO VERY SORRY!!!".... He just litterally slammed his head to the concrete ground. I cringed when I heard the ground cracking. "I JUST ALWAYS WANTED TO TRY SAYING IT!! PLUS ULTRA!! I FREAKIN LOVE U.A. HIGH!! ITS IS TRULY AN HONOR TO COMPETE ALONGSIDE THE FINE STUDENTS OF U.A.!!" He yelled like nothing just happened with blood pouring out of his forehead, I sighed.

I approached him, grabbed his shoulder and snapped my finger. He was surprised when I grabbed his shoulder. "I won't let that wound hinder you from going all out." I smirked, and he returns it. I walked back to my group to see a woman talking to Aizawa-sensei.

A black haired guy suddenly grabbed my hands, "It's a pleasure to meet the 'miracle Worker' here. We're gonna give it our best!" He smiled brightly. "Sure." I just shrugged.

"Hey! Change into your costumes. The info session's about to start. So stop wasting time.


After the tired/sleepy guy from the Heroes Public Safety Commission gives us the briefing. Some guys in black suit gives us 3 target that we must put onto our body, and a ball.

The first task is a free-for-all. One must throw the ball right to the 3 target to eliminate the examinees, And Only 100 will pass.

"Yes... So we'll be handing out balls and targets one this place opens up. The exam will begin one minute after all examinees are fully equipped." The MC concluded.

The room opened, revealing a whole stadium filled with multiple terrain. "Hey guys." I take their attention. "It's better for us if I go separated ways. Be careful now." I waved my hand, and dashed to the skyscrapers buildings. I saw Inasa from Shinketsu High going to the shorter buildings terrain. I shrugged and paused the time. 20 seconnds is enough to climb a building with One for All.


All hell broke lose. The balls passed by at the ground below. Many examinees trying to eliminate each other, while I just observed from above. "More than a hundred." I muttered. I went downstairs sneakily trying to attack in surprise.

"One hundred and twenty examinees are out!! All taken down by a single fighter!! Keep the pace up ladies and gentlemen!" The voice announced.


I spawned hundreds of ball and directed them to the examinees.





....I forgot. With the time paused, the balls were sended to them like a light speed. Oh well.

"Another single fighter took down one hundred and thirty examinees! Both of them have completed the exam!"

"You have passed. Proceed to the reception room!" With that. I went there.

---Reception room---

Inside I saw Inasa already in there. "Heya" I greeted. "YES HELLO TO YOU TO." He yelled while shaking my hand. "I'm Inasa Yoarashi. THANK YOU FOR HEALING MY WOUND."

I'm getting used to this man way of speaking, "No problem." I waved my hand, "Looks like you eliminated 120 examinees, huh? That's a very nice job." I smirked. "You eliminated 130 examinees. You win." He stated.

"I'm not winning until I received my license. Until that time, we will compete against each other. Well see ya." I waved at him and sat down at a chair. While waiting I fell asleep.


I was taken up by Momo who was shaking my shoulder, "Round two is about to start." She stated simply to wake me up completely. We looked at the big screen.

"Round two's the last one! You examinees will venture into the ruins as bystanders. And proves your worth when it comes to rescuing innocent victims." The screen showed multiple people entering the now remains of the buildings and rocks. I walked with Momo to my classmates who hudled up in a group.

"Everyone there is a highly trained professional rescue and in very high demand as of late!! Please welcome the good people of Help Us Company, or H.U.C. for short. They will be feigning injuries all across the field. It is your task to rescue them."

"It reminds me of that time in Kamino ward too..." Izuku commented. "But remember that the villains were keeping use from getting to Bakugou at the time. We retreated in order to let the professionals fo their job... Maybe, many people actually died there." Iida spoke in grim voice.

"No one died that night. I already healed all of them." I stated

Iida look at me with an unreadable expression, before looking at the screen once more.

The building suddenly let out an alarm. "Terrorist have launched a massive attack! There's wide-scale destruction throughout the city. Buildings are collapsing and people are hurt! With most of the roads out of commission, rescue and relied squads are having a hard time reaching the scene. Until they arrive, it's up to you heroes to take charge and rescue civilians." The room unfolded. 'well...' I smirked 'let us get this over quick!'

Will be continued...


A/N: I have decide to make this a two part story. Sorry for the Cliffhanger.

I Will Grow Stronger As The Time Passes (Bnha X Male Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now