26 : Congratulations on Doing Your Best

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Taehyung had bitten his swollen lips as it has been for a while. His mind darted from place to place on the sore rocket brain fusing trip. His pencil starts to panic on it on from the vibrates that Taehyung's shaky hands conducted.

If only he could get his mind off of that new mixtape the mysterious AugustD published months ago then maybe he could have a lesser chance of panicking wherever if the right answer is D.

The time tics but his biology problems was meeting to its end and hopefully without problems. And then there's the math that he had always had a hard time dealing with.

His breath hitch when he saw the questions, it was hard, very hard, as expected for the questions that's coming from Korea University. But he took composure, he had this coming and he was going to ace this and get a perfect score.

"Hey Tae, did you get in that University that you wanted?"

Taehyung raised his head from the table beneath, he had dozed off on his own, probably he was too tired for his own good. he wipes his little droll that slipped out from its snail home. His head turns to Jungkook who waited for the answer.

"I got into Korea University."

His big smile gave a sun feel as he frails the letter of acceptance.

Jungkook bends his back to lower himself to the same level as the seated Taehyung, and he smiles. "Congratulations on doing your best."

With one hand caressing Taehyung's neck, Jungkook pulls him close precisely lips to lips as they perfectly mold.

Jungkook was fierce in the kissing game.

Taehyung fell down on Jungkook's dominance the moment their tongue collides. His strength couldn't math Jungkook's as the tongue harshly grins between his teeth and up to the roof of his carven. Taehyung accepted how unbelievably submissive he turned after all this time.

The departed from the molding process to regain their breaths back. The string of saliva connecting them brought shades of red back to Taehyung's cheeks.

"Bark! Bark!"

The unexpected bark gushed through the room and as they knew, it was Yeontan.

The puppy probably heard the sloppy doings and was eager to know too. Or maybe Taehyung just forgot to feed him.


It was poorly the second guess.

"Sorry but he's hungry.." Taehyung lightly pushes Jungkook away to stumble a few step back for the little puppy.

Jungkook watches how Taehyung had prioritized something that was only meant a gift after him. He licked his lips at how delicious Taehyung tasted, it was still his favorite flavor.

Yeontan barks happy as Taehyung opened a new sack containing the dog bites. He didn't want to taste it but he always wonders why Yeontan likes it so much and prefers it over leftover fish.

He felt happy to see Yeontan happy, it's the Newton law all over again.

He was grabbing some refreshments himself by opening the high placed cabinet for the cups but a surprise large pair of arms wraps him as he do so.

The glass didn't released a large breaking sounds but he was oddly flustered when Jungkook leans to his neck, kissing it gently for multiple times.

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