13 : The Class 3-2 Guy

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The woman's duty was to give him nourishment until he grew to be a great man, he cradles his mother that left into bitter ash swallowed by fire, that woman was no longer a mother. Nourishment was a lie to cover her fig, growing great was only a false dream, he was left in eternal void.

Again, his tears swelled up each time the dreams of the same.

"What time is it..?" The time didn't mean anything, waking up is something that he must do but he never wants.

Today, he felt empty. More empty than his previous days- no- he had never felt this empty before but it was just instinct, a bad instinct.

"Morning Tae" Ah, But it doesn't matter right? He could just pretend the feeling never existed and continue with his usual days with Jungkook. "Morning Kookie"

Same old same old, nothing changed apart from a big test that's coming up.

"Kim Taehyung is going to seduce the teacher again"

"Yea, how else did he get a perfect score?"

By studying, it wasn't always right. Being talked about every single time there came a test or pop quiz of a seducer isn't uncommon to his ears, he had developed an auto nullifier to those types of things.

With the power Jungkook has, he could burn the school on the very same day, but he didn't.

When he had returned from washing his hands, he tended to have the perfect lunch with Taehyung. He had everything perfectly done, Taehyung's favorite cheap vending machine milk, today's special dori sandwich snack and pure love for him. The people around weren't blind to know Jungkook was in a pretty good mood with imaginary flower backgrounds.

His feet kicks the door open to present the small gifts, but the 90 degree tilted shape creased moon smile flips over in a second.

It was him again, the boy from Class 3-2, talking to Taehyung.

"You" The outsider smirks when his cover was blown.

"Fuck off" The class 3-2 guy shrugs. "Come on Jeon, you know we didn't fuck" It switches off a flick inside of him. The class was screaming in chaos when Jungkook held up a fist to fist fight with him.

"Stop! Kookie, Hoseok, STOP!!" His shout worked like a miracle, Uncontrollable breaths emitted as the results of the Jungkook's fist talking.

It wasn't even half way to the end of school, people were still gasping at the sudden act, although no one knows why and what happened, they were scared of him. Fucking glares he didn't like scatter all over him, he pulls Taehyung among the crowds and left the building, not spending a time to glance at Hoseok.

How he got permission from the security was as easy as saying his fearful name with threatening intonation, his car drove away at an insane speed until it hit the traffic lights.

"What did he say?"


"What did Jung Hoseok say?"

"N-nothing.. he just told me that he's your friend and he wants to get to know me better.." Jungkook's loud fierce tone scares him heck, everything about him is scary today. "Well don't see or talk to him again" he growled.

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