"Please don't. That's my mum. Do you know how much that picture means to me? It's all I have of her." I almost begged him.

"You have her necklace. I think that should be enough." He said.

I shook my head. It wasn't enough. It was hardly anything.

"I want to know everything about her, but I know better than to ask. I don't even know her name, but I don't ask because I know it will upset you if I do! Why can't I know? I think I have a right to know who my mother is. It's a child's right. Pretty Petty Potter gets to know who his pathetic parents are, and I not even get to know who my mother is?" I asked him, quickly getting upset.

"Do not use that tone when talking about them." He warned me.

"You're defending them? You're defending Potter? Who are you?" I yelled at him.

"I am not defending him or his father, but his mother was dear to me." My father said.

"Why? I don't understand what the difference is!" I continued yelling.

"You do not need to know anything about my childhood." He said.

I stood up, throwing my chair behind me.

"Then who do I look up to? Who's childhood do I want mine to be like because it certainly isn't yours!" I yelled, slamming my hands onto his desk.

"You create your own childhood! You don't need to be like anyone else! You live your own life!" He yelled back at me.

I glared at him, furious, but fighting off tears.

"Then you must have had a messed up childhood, because I was hoping to turn out like you. Looks like I'm doing it correctly then." I said quietly and turned to walk out of the room.

I pulled open the door.

"Raven." I heard my father's voice.

I turned back to face him. He was standing from his desk, looking sadly at me.

"I want your childhood to be much different than mine. I wouldn't be able to handle you suffering a childhood like mine." He said calmly.

I took a deep breath before stepping back into the room, closing the door.

"Then tell me about your childhood so I know what not to do." I said to him. 

My father sat back down at his desk. I walked over and set the fallen chair upright. I sat down on it and looked at my father.

"Your middle names were after two very important people in my life. Lily, who taught me the importance of friendship and love, and Celestia, who taught me what true love was. I met Lily when we were nine. I lived quite close to Lily and her family. She was kind to her sister, who wasn't like her. Lily was a muggle-born. Her sister didn't have any magic. Her sister called her a freak. Petunia called her terrible names for being a witch. I was there, sitting in the only place I knew would be peaceful, until I saw Lily, walking away from her sister. When I made my way out of the hollow tree, and Petunia ran away after seeing me, I landed my eyes on the kindest person I ever met. I sent a leaf to her, that flew over and landed in her hand. Then she knew I was like her. I told her that her sister was jealous, because Petunia was ordinary and she was special. She said that it was mean of me to say something like that, but she couldn't deny that it was true. Later, when we were getting sorted into our houses, she was placed in Gryffindor with James Potter, while I was sorted into Slytherin. Him and his pathetic friends would run in the halls, pushing through Lily and me, making us drop all of our books. Lily was my only friend. She was there for every time James Potter would pick on me. He was the definition of a Gryffindor put in the wrong house. The more Potter tormented me, the more closed off I would become from Lily, because she started to talk to Potter more. One day, in our fifth year, Potter and his pathetic friends approached me. They suspended me in the air, tormenting me. Lily tried to stop them. I was appalled to hear that James wanted to cut a deal with Lily. If she dated him, he would never hurt me again. She declined his offer. Humiliated, I told Lily to leave. I told her I didn't need any help from a mudblood. She stopped talking to me. I became involved with the people in the Slytherin house. When the two became Head Boy and Head Girl, Lily fell in love with Potter. The two got married and Harry Potter was born." My father explained.

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