"Potter found the snitch! We're done for!" I exclaimed to Goyle.

"It's alright. We have a really good seeker. One that isn't a first year. At least our seeker has experience." Goyle said to me.

As Potter ducked from a Bludger, he began to lose control of his broom. The broom acted like it didn't want Potter on, and it was throwing him around like doll. Soon Potter was hardly hanging on, but the broom was still trying to throwing him off. The game continued to go on around him, as he was struggling with his broom. Everyone around me, including myself, were laughing at Potter. I looked to see our seeker flying close behind the snitch. I was starting to think that we were going to win. But soon, Potter's broom calmed down and Potter himself flew after our seeker. Potter threw himself into our seeker, who returned the favour. The two nudged at each other.  The second nudge from our seeker threw Potter away, but he came back and flew beside our seeker. Our seeker continued to run himself into Potter, until the snitch dove toward the ground. The two followed it. They both got close to the ground. Nervously, our seeker pulled up before he crashed into the ground. Potter didn't do the same, he kept going. As he reached the ground, he pulled up and was now just at a hover. Planting his feet on the broom, I watched in astonishment as he pulled his hands from the broom and was now balancing on his feet. Potter held his hand out. He walked toward the end of his broom, causing it to hit the ground and send him barreling into the field. As he stood up, he clutched his stomach, looking like he was about to be sick. Suddenly, he spat out a small ball. My eyes widened as I realized what it was.

"He's got the snitch! Harry Potter receives one hundred-fifty points for catching the Snitch!" Jordan exclaimed.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle and raised her hand.

"Gryffindor wins!" She yelled.

"No!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the ledge in front of me.

I could feel my anger well up in me again. My face went hot. My hands curled up into fists. I looked up at my father who didn't look half as angry as me, but he looked disappointed. How could he not be completely furious? His house lost to Gryffindor

"Let's go!" I yelled at the three boys I was with. 

They nodded and we made our way down from the stands. We walked toward the castle. 

"What a ridiculous excuse of a team! We need a new seeker, one that will take risks and not pull up in fear of crashing into the ground!" I exclaimed angrily.

"And where would we find someone like that?" Crabbe asked.

"I'm right here! I'll do it! I'll get my father to make me the new seeker!" I told him.

"Yeah, good luck with the Rave. It's a dangerous sport. You saw how rough it can get out there! No, I wont let you." Draco said, shaking his head and walking over to be beside me.

"It isn't you who I need to get permission from. It's my father." I said, looking up at him. 

Draco shook his head again, "He'll say no. It's a dangerous sport. He can't risk his daughter getting hurt." 

I cut the conversation off right there. I stayed quiet until we got back to the common room. 

"Pretty Petty Potter doesn't deserve anything great! He's nothing but a pathetic boy! I don't understand why he's getting pampered and everything! He was a clueless baby that got lucky. That's nothing special." I said, slumping onto the couch in the lounge.

"I agree far more than you think." Draco said, sitting on the couch across from me.

The door to the common room opened and I looked to see the quidditch team walk in. My blood began to boil again as I got up and walked over to the seeker.

I Am Not Nothingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن