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imagine tyler being a sociopath and manipulates josh into helping him with doing illegal shit

josh was always head over heels for tyler. no matter what he did, josh was never deterred from tyler. his whole aura was captivating to josh.

they were polar opposites, josh loved dogs and cats, spending days at the park and star gazing. while tyler enjoyed tarantulas, dark colors, watching.

tyler knew how to press someone's buttons, how to scare them. his eyes could pierce through someone and he could see their fears.

tyler was also captivated by josh. when he looks at josh, he can't see anything. he can't see what he fears and he can't push his buttons.

tyler was fascinated by josh when they first met. it was when josh did a dumb interview with tyler for a school newspaper (that only lasted a month) about the basketball game they played.

tyler was so good at reading people, yet he was illiterate when it came to josh. he was looking at josh, up and down, but josh didn't even falter his gaze at tyler.

the way he spoke made him seem like a demure kid who just wanted to get a good article in his shitty newspaper.

josh didn't have any fears. tyler didn't know if that was laughable or scary.

on one hand, it means josh has never felt any pain in his life. he has nothing to fear. but on the other, it could mean josh has been through everything and isn't scared of anything anymore. that was scary to tyler. it meant tyler couldn't easily scare him into doing things.

« hey ty, » josh announced as he closed the door to their little town house. he pulled off his black coat with talent on the right part of his chest. he combed his fingers through his wild brown hair. his curls were everywhere when it was windy, meaning it was probably about to storm.

« hey, » tyler said simply and opened up his phone.
« it about to storm, i think it'll be a good time to go deal, » tyler said and opened kik. he used that because he didn't want anyone to see his messages unless they were the ones talking.

tyler if you want, im free now. meet me behind the super walmart by ihop

he texted. tyler walked towards josh and looked at him.

« josh, i need you to drive. » he said and pointed at the keys josh was about to put down.

« come on, tyler. it's about to storm and i don't want you to get caught, » josh said softly and hugged tyler. tyler shut his eyes and loosened up.

« we have to, come on, i have everything in the basement, » tyler said and kissed josh's forehead.

kissing josh was part of tyler's game. he loved seeing someone simply melt before him and turn to putty for him to play with. although tyler wouldn't admit it, he started to think of this kissing thing as more than a game.

« fine, but please be careful.. i don't want you to get hurt. » josh looked at tyler with pleading eyes. tyler sighed and nodded, kissing his lips.

« i'll be fine, prince, » he smiled when josh started giggling and hugged him tighter. tyler loved this.

josh drove to the walmart tyler said they were going to meet the guy at. the whole time he kept glancing at tyler while he made everything ready for the dude.

« aren't you scared of being caught? » josh said with a soft voice. tyler looked at josh. for a moment he could see a flicker of anxiety in him, but that always happened during these things. tyler shook his head.

« nah, as long as nobody snitches, » tyler said and put everything in a small bag that he stole from the walmart they were meeting at.
« what time is it? » tyler said as he pulled on the zipper.

« 10 pm, » josh said as the rain started to pour down.
« isn't it too early? aren't these things supposed to happen late, » josh said, still a little worried. he wasn't scared of being caught, he was more worried
for tyler's safety, as he always is. tyler shook his head.

« nope, doing it late is even more sus than it already is, » tyler said. he put the bag down as they pulled into the parking lot and went to the side.
« stop. » tyler said as he saw red and blue lights. he grabbed the wheel of the car and swerved it to the side.

« what's happening? » josh said and stopped.

« turn around, the police arrested the dude, » tyler said and looked at josh.

for the first time, he saw fear in his eyes.

josh quickly turned around. tyler pointed towards a spot and josh parked.

« why are we parking? shouldn't we be leaving? » josh said, nearly on the verge of a panic attack.

« josh, breathe. the police think that we ran off. i mean, who would park when they have to get away. we need to go against common sense, because that's what they follow, » tyler explained. josh tried to steady his breathing, but failed.

« i-i dont want to go to jail, i don't want you to go to j-jail! i-i'm scared, ty ty, » josh sobbed. tyler felt something tug at his heartstrings.

« hey hey, » tyler said awkwardly and put his hand on josh's trembling thigh.
« it's okay, breathe, » tyler said and combed josh's messy hair out of his eyes. tyler wiped josh's tears and smiled at him.

« i-i'm so f-fucking scared, » josh said, sounding and looking like a hurt puppy. tyler cooed and kissed his nose.

« there's no need to be scared, look, » tyler pointed to the cop cars that were driving away.
« they're gone, » tyler said and looked at josh, who was starting to calm down.

« w-we need to stop d-doing this. it's so s-scary, » josh whimpered into tyler's shoulder. tyler kissed josh on the forehead and let his fingers get tangled in josh's hair.

« okay, i'll stop doing this like what we're doing, i can be more careful-«  josh looked up at him.

« i don't want you to be more careful. i want you to stop. » josh said and wiped his tears. tyler felt himself soften up for the boy, but maybe that was a good thing?
he was too soft for him to seem
scary to josh. that's probably why he didn't see fear in him, he wasn't scared of tyler. he fucking loved tyler.

maybe tyler loved josh, too


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