Meddling with love

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In the back of the library, Camila sat with her nose buried in the pages of a thick book of her choice. She could spend hours in this place, ripping through thousands of books as she could read faster than she could run. It was normally quiet as well which made it easier for her to get lost in her fantasy world. Her friends were also in their zones but they didn't have the luxury to read because they were either revising or doing homework. Yet she had already completed both of those activities. Breaking the silence slightly, the door crept open and tiptoed in a few students in which she barely glanced up at but then Camila froze. Her eyes stuck onto a familiar girl who was currently conversing with her friend as they decided on a table to sit at. Luckily for Camila, the girl who she was focused on decided to seat herself on the table in front of her. Her brown eyes gazed upon her acres of pale skin and plump red lips which made Camila's face blush heavily. Frustratedly, the girl ran her fingertips through a long black hair and Camila could sense there was something seriously wrong; it was probably the stress of exams. Camila tried to focus on her book but she became fidgety and knowing she was near, her shy self couldn't prevent the anxiousness she felt.

"If you stare any more at Lauren, she might actually disappear," Dinah, one of Camila's friend, whispered in her ear which Camila quickly fumbled with her novel and dismissed the witty comment.

And that was Camila's crush, Lauren. Lauren the cheerleader, Lauren the soccer player, Lauren the homecoming queen, Lauren the most popular girl in their grade. Camila had zero chance with her. She was just some dorky shy kid who lacked any form of confidence. They were halfway through their second year of high school and she had been crushing on Lauren since the first day she saw her which was the beginning of high school. She was partnered up with her one time in PE and she taught Camila how to do basic soccer skills. Throughout the years, Camila had been in all of Lauren's classes but it seemed like Lauren didn't even realise she existed. She couldn't blame the popular girl, she was so engulfed by everyone around her she didn't have the time to notice Camila, nor did she do anything to be noticed by Lauren. All of Lauren's friends were loud and charismatic but Camila just sank into the background.

"Camila," A voice echoed, zoning the brunette back into reality and when her eyes re-focused, she saw Lauren turned on her chair and staring green orbs into Camila's brown ones. "Do you have a pen I can borrow?"

Her mind went blank and her lips couldn't form words as her fingers shakily stumbled for a pen in her pencil case. Her friends observed secretly, trying to suppress the giggles as they gave each other knowing looks. After what felt like hours of searching, she pulled out a black pen and handed it to Lauren. She thanked Camila and returned back to studying. Teasingly, Dinah pinched her cheek but the burning brunette pulled away and rested her head on the desk from complete embarrassment. She couldn't even utter a word to Lauren. After a while, she recovered and continued back to her book apart from she didn't read, she stared at Lauren for the next half an hour. Soon, the bell rang for lunch and everyone packed away their belongings.

As Lauren went to leave, she turned back to Camila and placed the pen delicately on the table before saying, "thanks, Camila."

After queuing for their lunch, Camila and Dinah seated themselves at a lunch table. Their other friends were pre-occupied with extra revision classes and school clubs. Smirking, Dinah stared at Camila with an underlying intention, making the brunette rather uncomfortable.

"What?" Camila asked with a mouthful of salad as she glared back at her friend confusingly.

"Nothing," she replied with a shrug. "Apart from your interaction with your crush today."

"Shut up," snapped the brunette, sinking into her seat and stirring her salad with her fork awkwardly before mumbling, "I can't believe she knew my name, though."

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