First signs of trouble

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Did you ever do this, you think back on all the times you've had with someone and you just replay it in your head over and over again and you look for those first signs of trouble?

For Lauren, it started when Camila stopped responding to her texts quickly. There were so many things she wanted to talk about but she never got the chance because she was scared to seem overly eager by sending more than two texts. So, she was left stuck in a loop and scratching her head. She even started to struggle to make conversation with Camila as most of the time she would ignore Lauren and speak to their over friends instead. Lauren missed her voice. How it would become high pitched and fast when she talked about something that excited her or how it would slow down and become rather babyish when she became confused by something. Sometimes when she would tuck strands of feral, chocolate-coloured hair behind Camila's ears, she would become slightly annoyed rather blushing like she used to do. Most of the time, her plump lips stayed straighter than a dead pulse on a heartbeat monitor, even when Lauren would spur compliments. She forgot what it was like to intertwine her pale hands with Camila's tanned ones as the brunette's grip loosened over the time they were together. From tight to barely attached, their hands lost contact with their relationship. It was as if Camila had died but her body continued to move along in life. Lauren didn't understand what happened, it just slowly slipped through the cracks of their relationship and sank its way into Camila. The brunette was less talkative and happy to see Lauren, she didn't put the effort in no more and it was as if she stopped caring. But what could Lauren do? Mentally, she was standing in shock and completely paralyzed because she read the warning signs and it was clear; Camila was falling out of love with Lauren. Her neck kisses didn't make her stomach flutter anymore, nor did she feel the need to kiss Lauren like she used to. Texting her was an unnecessary exercise for her thumbs, talking to her pointless use of her voice and being with her was time, effort and exhausting. Yet, Lauren tried, god she tried with every ounce of her body. She tried making Camila laugh with their old inside jokes but the brunette would give a bored glance and then yawn. She tried talking to Camila yet she was uninterested or would be too vague for Lauren to understand. Like Camila first stated when the pair met, relationships are messy and people's feelings get hurt, who needs that? but Lauren wouldn't listen because she thought she could change that.

Now here she was, sitting alone in a blood-coloured booth inside an old, greasy, dirty diner with a broken heart and her third glass of vanilla milkshake grasped in her left hand to numb the pain in her chest. She saw it all coming, but she wouldn't let herself believe it. Believe that Camila was eventually going to break up with her because Lauren was a fighter for love and try everything to work things out. Yet, there was only so much she could with half the effort since the brunette just wanted to get it over and done with; nothing more than a simple we're over and it's not you, it's me. She felt lied to. Every love song was a mere illusion to make people think there is a soulmate and every couple was a mere reflection of what every single person desired. Nothing felt real to Lauren no more. As she sipped through the striped straw of her cold beverage, Lauren couldn't help but think that if she had spotted the first signs of trouble earlier on, would she have still been in Camila's arms right now?

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