I miss you

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"I miss you."

These three words can attack your heart more than any weapon can. It can bring back memories and the past that you wish you could go back to. Either way, the words I miss you have two opposite meanings; a good or bad one.

For Camila, it was a bad one. She tried ignoring the words of the husky, green eyed girl's voice and pretended as if the silhouette of Lauren wasn't there, letting in light from the crack of the door. She squeezed her eyes closed and nuzzling her face into the pillow, trying to act like Lauren's I miss you wasn't a big deal and that it didn't just completely create swarms of butterflies in her stomach.

"I don't know what I've done, but I'll leave you alone from now on; if that's what you want." Lauren spoke with a cracked, fragile voice, sounding as if she was ready to burst into tears, whilst she stepped closer into Camila's bedroom. "Is that what you want?"

The brunette surrendered by turning on her bedside lamp and sat up, leaning her back against the head board. This relaxed Lauren a lot more as she tip toed over to the mattress, then seated herself on the edge of it. Camila tucked her knees into her chest and gazed at her feet, which were an inch away from Lauren's exposed thigh.

Lauren was dressed in baggy shorts and a tank top, which was her normal attire for bed. It was around 3am when she got the drastic idea to confront Camila about her extreme distance. The Latina was already awake when Lauren creeped into her room, since she was also up and thinking about Lauren.

Camila glanced up to analyse the side of Lauren's beautiful face to only realise that her cheeks were puffy and her eyes were stained red; it was obvious she had been crying. Camila felt utterly guilty, but showed no sign of remorse in front of Lauren.

After a minute of silence, Lauren broke it by whispering, "I guess you do want me to leave you alone."

Camila stayed quiet as if to debate a mental battle as Lauren turned her upset face to look into brunette's coffee coloured eyes.

"May I ask why?" Lauren questioned with a hurt voice, glancing down at Camila's legs unable to maintain eye contact with the smaller girl for more than a second.

Camila shrugged. She knew Lauren deserved an essay on why she closed her off, but she didn't have an answer for it. It all just happened.

It's hard to avoid someone who you live with, but Camila managed it. The five girls all decided to buy a house together after their tour and over the time of traveling Camila's and Lauren's friendships developed to another level.

The two dark haired girls had shared a passionate kiss when they were both completely wasted. The next morning the two girls woke up tangled in each other's arms, fully clothed and with a head splitting migraine. Camila had remembered every detail of the party, but Lauren said she had no collection of memory from that night. When finding this out, Camila didn't know if she was relieved or slightly disappointed.

She soon realised her fondness of Lauren was more of a crush, a big crush. So, in attempts to stop her feelings from growing or getting hurt, she pushed Lauren as far away as she could. Obviously, Lauren noticed this and was very upset because no matter how hard she tried, Camila was always cold towards her. It was like one day she woke up and the brunette she adored was just so bitter to her.

However, Lauren never argued with Camila, nor did she ever not attempt to talk to the brunette. She was very patient with Camila no matter how she was treated.

"Please tell me why, Camz." Lauren pleaded, her throat filling with a lump and her piercing green orbs prickling with tears, glinting with miserableness; it was clear that she hadn't been coping well without Camila. "I hate not knowing why you hate me so much."

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