She's american

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Based partly on the song above; this took me months to write and I couldn't be bothered checking it so sorry if there's mistakes!

Lauren stared at the towering building in front of her. She was amazed and in utter shook. After a long plane journey from England, Lauren had finally arrived at her most desired placed to explore; New York City. Her mouth dropped in amazement as she strolled around the late night of Manhattan and gazed up at the buildings that towered over her like a giant. She saw everyone racing her passed her and she made sure to keep up with the quick rhythm of the people's footsteps. She couldn't help but to continue her trance at the towers surrounding her that scattered with lights that illuminated from the different office windows.

Eventually, Lauren stopped on the side of the pavement, where it wasn't so busy, and took the opportunity to admire the beauty of the city. She awed to herself and she couldn't suppress the excited smile painted across her lips. She quickly adjusted the large guitar case attached to her back and stretched her arms tiredly, but soon returned her attention back to city.

"It's quicker to take a photo, you know?"

Lauren turned her head to the left and saw a brunette women stood next to her, smirking at Lauren's dumbfound face from the sight of the city. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders and stopped above her small waist as she glanced up at the lady's coffee coloured eyes, becoming slightly insecure and shy. The women was dressed in a long, beige coat that cut off at her mid thigh and she was wearing a black skirt that accentuated her legs and fell half way down her lower leg. Covering up her upper body was a perfectly white blouse that had a v-neck slit, exposing some of the women's cleavage.

"Sorry, I'm just taken back how real this all is." Lauren replied shyly with a thick British accent, tucking her black strands of loose hair behind her ear.

"No need to apologise, I can tell you're not a local." The brunette winked, hers being a strong American accent instead, extending her arm towards Lauren politely. "I'm Camila, you're from England, right?"

"Yeah, I am." Lauren answered, shaking Camila's hand out of common courtesy. "Oh and I'm Lauren."

"What a beautiful name." Camila grinned with genuineness to her tone as Lauren blushed by the compliment. "What brings you to the city of New York?"

"I've always wanted to come here." Lauren stated, curving her lips up at the side slightly.

"Do you know what this skyscraper is called?" Camila asked as she pointed up to as if it wasn't already noticeable, but Lauren just nodded eagerly.

"The Empire State Building." Lauren smirked knowingly as she picked up her camera that hung from her neck, holding it up to her piercing green eye and pointing the lens at the view, before snapping a few perfect photos.

"Have you been to Central Park yet?"

"No, I do plan to go though." Lauren smiled eagerly, making sure she had enough time to go to all her desired placed.

"Well, I was on my way." Camila began. "Care to join me?"

"It would be a pleasure." Lauren grinned, following Camila once she began pacing down the street and Lauren struggled to keep up. "The pavements are always busy here." This statement earned a laugh from Camila as Lauren glanced over at her with a shy smile. "What's so funny?"

"Pavement." Camila repeated and giggled again. "It's a sidewalk, but I admire the English language, the English always sound so intelligent; it's very endearing."

Lauren just chuckled and smiled to herself as Camila continued to chatter about how she visited England a few times. Soon, they reached the famous park and Lauren was in amazement about the whole thing. She snapped numerous of pictures of nearly the entire park, whilst Camila smirked watching Lauren's piercing green eyes engulf the overwhelming scenery.

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