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"I swear to god, Lauren," Camila breathed out annoyingly whilst glaring into the beautiful green eyes in front of her. "If you tell anyone about this, I will ruin your reputation."

Lauren replied with a smug smirk painted across her lips, "my reputation is already ruined, babe."

Let's rewind. Camila Cabello was the most popular girl in school. She was captain of the cheerleading squad, kept her grades to a high standard and was the hottest girl in her year; everyone knew it. Everyone adored Camila and anyone who didn't were simply jealous of her beauty and popularity. The Latina had glowing tanned skin along with warm brown eyes and chocolate coloured hair which cascaded down her shoulders, stopping above her hips. Her lips were plum and she had a set of pearl white teeth that shone every time she'd flash a beautiful smile. Camila was godly looking but within those looks held horror. Anyone who crossed Camila definitely regretted it as Camila was known for knowing everyone's secrets. In high school people had things they didn't want getting out like who they were hooking up with, who had a teacher crush or other teenage drama. One time, Linda Smither had mocked Camila in class about getting a grade B she got on her test in front of everyone and this humiliated and infuriated Camila. The next day, the school was covered in photos of Linda kissing a guy called Derek who was in middle school and very dorky. Let's just say Linda never made eye contact with Camila ever again; specially since she was confused how she even found out about that information. On another occasion, Camila posted her ex-boyfriend's nudes, because he cheated on her, all over social media so everyone in their school saw and he was very embarrassed; it soon blew over... eventually. The worst one was when she stole Bethany Stringer's diary which revealed who she was crushing on (including teachers) and who she didn't like. She printed copies of the most juiciest pages and stuck them all of the school. She moved school. Camila could find anything on anyone no matter how big or small it was.

Apart from one person; Lauren Jauregui. Everyone knew everything about Lauren. That she was a rebel, a misfit and a hot lesbian. She was the only the girl who was openly gay and she excepted to be bullied, as many teenagers in high school are mean and love to pick on others about anything, but she didn't. Lauren had jet black long locks which cut off before her waist and she had mesmerising green orbs that glinted with mischief whenever she'd flash a grin. No one messed with her. She was just there. No one really noticed her nor did anyone really care about her which didn't bother Lauren. She preferred to stay under the radar. One person did acknowledge her existence though, Camila Cabello. She didn't admit it to herself but she constantly found herself staring at the black haired girl in their shared lessons or scrolling through Lauren's social media daily to see what she had posted. She wouldn't allow herself to think about this small obsession she had over Lauren but there was definitely an attraction there. She was always thinking about the green eyed girl's husky voice and repeated her smart answers she inputted during class. The crimson rush to her cheeks she got whenever Lauren would catch the brunette staring and would throw a cheeky wink her way made Camila's heart race.

The pair briefly spoke. Mostly during partner work whenever the teacher would randomly put students together for an activity in class. She found Lauren very humorous but apart from discussing school work and flashing smiles at each other in the corridor; Camila hardly spoke to Lauren. It surprised Camila how charismatic Lauren was considering she seemed to be marginalised and a loner most of the time. If people actually took the time to get to know Lauren, they'd realise she's a very nice person behind the nose piercing, dark clothing and rebellious persona; despite these being hot features of the green eyed girl.

As she strolled through the changing room, Camila found her locker then began undressing to put on her usual everyday clothes. Besides the right of her were a few of her friends, chatting away about how excited they were about a party tonight. Camila wasn't interested, although she'd still go but parties were boring to her; the only real reason she'd attend was to keep her reputation up. Everyone would think she wasn't invited or some weird hermit if she didn't go to every party that was held by her peers. Rolling her eyes, Camila faced her back to her friends and gazed around the locker room until they caught onto a certain figure. Her eyes scanned over the shirtless body, indulging on the rows of defined abs and staring at the crimson lacy bra; Lauren. The green eyed girl was wiping the pool of sweat gathered above her thick eyebrows with a small towel, that covered her face, whilst being checked out by Camila. Once removing the towel, she caught Camila in the act and when brown orbs met green ones, the brunette diverted her gaze somewhere else whilst a dark blush rushed to her cheeks and Lauren couldn't help but smirk holes into the smaller girl. Camila was in a fluster. She tried unlocking her locker but she was so embarrassed, specially with the sense of Lauren staring at her. Eventually, she swung her locker open causing it to make a loud noise and all her belongings to fall onto the floor. Camila cursed under breathe as she crouched down and started picking up her items.

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