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Based visually off the song above.

"Have you wasted all the money on coke again?!" Camila yelled from the top of her lungs as she marched from the kitchen to the bedroom of their bungalow house, which they shared along side with three other friends.

As she stomped angrily, she stressful threaded her fingers through her wavy brown hair and slammed open the bedroom door. In neat lines, the white powder was on the bedside table whilst a girl with black long locks was passed out on the twin sized bed with powder around her nose. Camila couldn't believe this. She told her not to waste the money on drugs again. The brunette strolled over to the table, picked up the rolled five pound note and sniffed the powder. It hit her head instantly before she took another line and collapsed on the bed next to the other girl.

"Hey babe." The raven haired girl mumbled, slithering her arms around Camila and pecking the side of her face.

"Don't hey babe me, Lauren." Camila replied with a small shove. "What did I tell you?"

"Hey it was only two grams." Lauren responded, making a second attempt to snake her arms around Camila's body. "You don't mind when you're sniffing it too."

"We need to get jobs, Lolo." Camila sighed, sinking into Lauren's embrace.

"No where hires people with drug records."

"Then I have a better idea."


The crew was gathered in their living room. Altogether there was five of them living in a three bedroomed house. Lauren and Camila stayed in the a room together as they were in a relationship. Normani, who had dark chocolate skin along with long black hair, and Dinah, who was the tallest and had blonde locks that fell to her waist, shared a room together that was big enough for a double bed and a desk. Despite being the oldest, Ally was the smallest and had dirty golden hair that cascaded down to her hips; she had her own room yet it was the box room so could only fit a small single bed and a bedside table. This whole house was a mess and under furnished simply because the girls had no money. In the living room, Normani, Dinah and Ally all squished on the two seater mint coloured sofa whilst Camila seated herself on top of Lauren's lap who was sitting in the single red armchair. In the middle was a brown, wooden coffee table that was covered in chips at the edges and scratches over the surfaces. Scattered on top was heaps of trash like cigarettes butts, wrappers, random bottles or pizza boxes with weeks old crust inside probably luring in insects or rats. The fabricated sofas were covered in hundreds of stains from sick to wine which nobody could be bothered cleaning. The ceiling had cracks cutting through them and the sad walls were decorated in old wallpaper that curled at the edges; slowly peeling themselves off.

"Man, this is a fucking crazy idea." Dinah sighed, reaching over to the ashtray, picking up her joint and smoking the rest stressfully.

"We could go to prison." Ally added, taking the joint from Dinah and inhaling the smoke deeply before coughing it back out.

"How will we even pull this off?" Normani asked, snatching the blunt and smoking the rest to herself.

"Out of us all, Lauren is the strongest, bravest and most intimidating." Camila began, kissing Lauren's cheek flirtatiously but turned back to the three girls, rolling their eyes. "So she goes in with a simple handgun and intimidate the cashier whilst I stand side with a bag to put the money in." She explained causally. "Then, you three will be waiting outside in a van and we'll drive off before the police are even called."

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