Somebody else

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Based off the song above, skip to three minutes.

Lauren can't remember how it all happened but it just did. They grew apart. Began bickering at each other, which turned to arguments. She forgot what her lips tasted like or what it felt like to lie in her arms. She scribbled down lines on her notebook in her scruffy handwriting (the one she got reminded to fix) and hummed the melody of the song she was trying to write. She didn't know how to deal with heartbreak, only to channel it through her music. So, she sat, for hours, in her music studio and strummed her guitar and strained her voice, whilst singing the lyrics of her pain.

"I took all my things that made sound... the rest I can do with out." Lauren sang, her voice cracking slightly. "I don't want your body, but I hate to think about you with somebody."

Lauren quickly wrote down the next few lines, poking out her tongue from the side of her mouth, before thinking of the next line. Her husky voice filled the empty house as she fingertips moved up and down the six strings "so come on baby, this ain't the last time that'll see your face, come on baby, you said you found someone to take my place."

Lauren dotted down the genius lyrics as she heard her doorbell shatter her thoughts. Then, there was a faint knocking on her front door. Lauren furrowed her thick eyebrows together as she glanced over to the clock that quietly ticked on the wall and saw that it was nearly three am. Who on earth would be at her house at this ungodly hour?

She popped on her oversized sweater and tip toed down the staircase, before anxiously standing in front of her door. Opening it cautiously, she saw a familiar brunette swaying side to side on her own feet, then managing to trip over them even though she was stood still. Her lips curved into a dopy smile as she cheered, throwing her arms but then stumbling backwards from the lack of stability.

"Camila." Lauren sighed heavily. "What are you doing here?"

"Laurennnn." Camila giggled with a slurred tone to her voice.

"You need to go home." Lauren scolded as she went to close her door, but...

"This is my home."

Lauren's heart fluttered as she pulled back the door and just stared at Camila. The strong smell of liquor emitting of the younger girl made Lauren's nose crinkle and the fact Camila was extremely intoxicated was clear.

"It's not your home, not after you broke up with me." Lauren responded, noting the hurt expression over the brunette's face which lasted for a few seconds.

"But... bu-but, we... we, we bou...bought it togetherrrr." Camila's voice was hardly audible since she was incapable of sentences with the large of amount of alcohol she had taken in a such a short amount of time.

"Then, you said I could have it." Lauren replied in a emotionless tone, she didn't want Camila to know how bad she had been doing without her. "Come in."

Camila perked her head up eagerly as a large grin spread across her beautiful face before she asked "really?"

"Just come in before I change my mind." Lauren muttered and strolled into the kitchen, whilst Camila trudged in after her, just about remembering to close the door.

They settled in the kitchen as the brunette attempted to sit on one of the high top chairs. Lauren leaned over her sink, getting a drink for Camila as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Was she dreaming? Oh god she was. She turned back to see Camila finally sat on the chair steadily. She handed her the glass of water and forced to take a few gulps in hopes to sober up. However, the smaller girl replied with a witty comment about the countless of shots she had, which pained Lauren to know she was recklessly drinking.

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