Chapter Eight: Birthday Bash

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Hello loves! 

So, you guys picked the one and only Nathan Sykes, and I'm so excited to write this chappie. I'm practically crying because I'm so in love with the ideas that I have for this chappie. Let's just hope they turn out good.

Okay, anyways... Read :D

By the way, don't play the song on the side until they get to the club. It would so ruin everything if you played it early. Awkward.

- Kenz xx


Waking up the next morning was the beginning of one of the best days of my life. 

It was my birthday, and I could finally say that I was seventeen. Sure, it's not one of those important years like eighteen or twenty-one, but still... It was my birthday. 

I woke up to the smell of french toast wafting through the door of the room that I shared with Georgie, and it immediately woke my senses. I drifted out  into the kitchen, still half asleep, but I was fully awake when I was met with four girls and mom my screaming, "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks guys!" I shouted back happily. I ate my breakfast, and then opened the presents that everyone had set out in the living room. 

Georgie got me a new necklace, one that matched her's, Kylie got me ten bags of my favorite candy, Paulie got me a dress that I had been eyeing up in our last trip to the mall, Tara got me a new anklet, and my mom pulled out a small plastic card. I eyed it for a moment before I realized what it was. 

"A credit card?" I asked, shocked. 

"Well, I just thought that if you're going to be here for a while you could use a credit card instead of carrying all of that cash around." 

I got up and pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you, Mom," I whispered. 

That was how my morning started, but by six the boys arrived at our hotel room. 

"Where's the birthday girl?" Louis asked, shouting as he led the boys into the room. 

"Right here," I replied, emotionless, raising my hand in the air. 

"Are you girls ready to par-tay?" Niall asked, giving Tara a quick hug. 

"Considering that we're still in our pajamas? No." Us girls got up and walked into one of the bedrooms. It had the largest bathroom, so we decided ahead of time that we would use that room to get ready in. 

The other girls got dressed in jeans and tight shirts, while they forced me into a tight black dress with lace going up the side, revealing a large amount of skin. 

"Why do I have to wear this? Can't I just dress like you guys?" I whined.

"No. It's your birthday. You have to look sexy," Georgie said, pulling her pants on. 

"Well, can't I pull off sexy in jeans?" I asked, being stubborn on purpose. 

"No. You are wearing that dress and that's final!" Paulie spoke up. I trudged into the bathroom, putting the dress on, and curling my hair. 

"Do I look okay?" I asked when I walked out of the bathroom. 

"You look-" Kylie began.

"Hot!" Georgie screamed. "If I were a guy I would so tap that."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You're so weird."

I sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching as the four other girls did their hair and make up. When they were finished I got up and applied a light, natural layer of make up. 

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