Chapter Two: Elevators and Egos

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Hello loves! I've decided that every other Tuesday is my update day for this story so, I thought, "Hey, I should go write another chapter of The Other Direction. Yeah, I'll do that." Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head. 

So, here I am, writing this, and you're reading. 

Thanks, loves!

-Kenz xx

Photo: Georgie Hilton!


I was dreading the minute that our plane landed in London. The four other girls were ecstatic, but I could do with a little bit of alcohol in my system. Too bad my mom was the one "chaperoning" us.

Paulie was the quietest about the entire situation, but Georgie wouldn't shut up. I loved her to death, but I was about ready to smack her. Was it such a bad thing? 

The minute our flight landed we were ushered through the airport by a man that looked strangly familiar. I eyed the back of his head curiously, and he gave me the answer that I was looking for. 

"I'm Paul. I'll be escorting you young ladies downtown to Mr. Cowell's office," he said without looking back at us. We loaded into a van, my mom and the driver up front, and Paul and us girls in the back. 

Kylie was eying Paul similarly to how I was just minutes ago. "You're, like, One Direction's Paul, right?" she asked finally after a few moments of awkward silence. 

He nodded, said no words, and turned to look at the rest of us. He shook his head and finally spoke. 

"You girls should be careful here. I see boys your age playing with pretty girls like you five all the time. Nothing like when I was your age." I could tell by his tone that there was more that he wanted to say, but he held back his words. 

"What's it like to be with the boys all the time?" Georgie asked. 

"They're a pain in the ass, but they're all good boys. They just like to have a little bit too much fun," he revealed. 

The girls went on to ask questions, but I wanted nothing to do with it. I just stared out of the window until we arrived at a building that looked to be a bit to high for me. 

"This way ladies." We all followed Paul to the elevator, but the pressure in my bladder was getting to be too much.

"Um, where's the bathroom?" I asked. 

"She speaks!" Georgie exclaimed. 

"No shit," I retorted. I turned back to Paul. "But seriously, I'm about to piss my pants. I can just meet you up there when I'm done."

He thought about it for a minute. His gaze dropped and he sighed. "It's down the hall to the right. When you come back press number ten. It will take you straight up to Mr. Cowell's office."

"Thanks. I'll see you guys in five." I turned and walked down the hall that Paul pointed to. I found the bathroom easily, and I quickly emptied my bladder, washed my hands, and returned to the lobby. 

When I reached the elevator it was almost closed. I slid my hand in between the two doors, and they opened once more. "Sorry," I said to the person inside of it, dropping my gaze to the floor. 

"It's completely fine. A pretty girl like you can ride with me anytime you'd like," the boy said cheekily. 

I looked up to meet his eyes, and I was surprisingly met by the green ones that belonged to Harry Styles himself. 

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