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Dipper and his twin sister Mabel were heading towards the reef, planning on meeting their older friends Soos and Wendy. They just got out of school, they're fins basically dragging behind them. Mabel grins as she spotted beds of coral in the distance, "Race ya there" and immediately she was off. Powerful bubblegum pink tail propelling her through the water, she made it to the reef in under a minute only to stop dead in her tracks, staring in horror. Dipper sighed as he raced after her, navy blue tail trying to keep up. He stopped as he got to her, panting "What're you" He looked up, eyes widening "looking at...".

Not even 30 feet from the two was a man that was three times their size who was nearly radiating a violet tone. He had rope in his hand, following that rope was their friends Wendy and Soos bound together by said rope, backs to each other. They spotted the twins and tried yelling out, only to be muffled by their gags.

"Well, finally you've shown up" The purple siren cooed, "I've been waiting" He swam up, dragging the other two along with ease.

"Who- who are you?!" Mabel got out, holding onto Dippers arm out of habit.

"Oh, you don't know who I am?" The man tilted his head, "Then again I suppose I do look a bit different in this form".

Dipper already knew who it was, it was Tad Strange and he was here to collect him. He blocked Mabel with his arm, knowing Wendy and Soos were more or less safe. The demon was currently on his Pines collection, the five Dippers specifically, and he rarely collected outside of the collection he was on at the moment. "Leave my family alone, I know you're not here for them" He finally spoke out, trying to hide how terrified he was.

Tad chuckled, "How right you are, Mason" He smirked, "And I'm sure you also know you're coming with me whether you like it or not. So, how about we do this nice and easy. You come with me and I'll let your friends here go, plain and simple" His smirk turned into a smile. Though he was ready to fight, the battle with Monster Falls Bill Cipher had tired him out and he much rather collect this one calmly. Plus he wasn't used to the body of a siren, tail and all.

Dipper looked towards Wendy and Soos, then back towards his sister. He may never see them again, but it was better than them being hurt and him being taken anyways. Sighing, he nodded "Alright, I'll go with you. As long as you swear you won't hurt them".

Tad grinned even more, "Of course! They'll be perfectly fine" He snapped, the rope holding Wendy and Soos together immediately vanishing.

Dipper swam up towards the demon despite Mabel trying to hold him back. His friends just stared from the side, not knowing what to do. Dipper sadly waved goodbye to the three sirens that he's been the closest to his whole life. They tried swimming to him but he was already gone, snapped away before their eyes.

It took a moment for reality to hit Mabel, but when it did it hit her like a tsunami. Salty tears started pouring out her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself she sank to the floor. Her brother was gone, and she didn't know if she'd ever get him back.


Wowowowow ok that sucked, but there ya go an update! Im still working on editing the whole fic before I move on with it too much, sorry it's taking so long. Anyways I'm also trying to work on more fics to add more to my wattpad instead of just billdip. Anybody have any requests?? Oneshots or somethin?? Idk, I just need more then this fic to work on lmao. Thanks, I should be updating more soon!!! (Hopefully)

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