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Trotting through the woods, Dipper was paying no attention to anything else except for the beauty of the day. It was a soft day, the wind blowing softly through his fur, birds chirping quietly in the canopy of the trees, the gentle words of small woodland creatures talking to each other, and an occasional gnome or two running past. He stopped by the shallow river that flows through Monster Falls, sitting next to it, listening to the quiet chatter of the fairies and pixies. Every so often a nasty pixie would fly by his face, he simply swatted it away. Nothing would ruin this perfect day. A quiet giggle was heard from below him, he sighed. 

"Hey, Mabel" He chuckled, leaning over the embankment a bit, "Where are Candy and Grenda?".

"They're off visiting the lake today, they have family in town for the weekend" She explained, splashing me with her tail and laughing.

"So you've finally decided to spend the day with me, huh?" Dipper laughed, wiping water droplets off his face and jumping down and wading into the river a bit. He let out a happy sigh, feeling good as the cool water splashed against his pelt.

"Of course!" She exclaimed, swimming over and pushing her tail over his back, and holding onto his chest so she doesn't slip off. "Onwards, Deerper!" She yelled, chuckling.

Dipper rolled his eyes, "It's Dipper". Going back to the side and trudging up the muddy embankment. Once they got to the top, Dipper stops dead in his tracks and looks up. It's Bill, the man who hunts him constantly, making his life miserable, who is also his boyfriend. But the catch, he's covered in blood. His own blood. 

"Bill! Are you ok!" Dipper bolted up to him, Mabel almost falling off his back. Bill grasps onto Dippers shoulders, staring into his eyes.

"Run, and run fast. Don't stop running until you're at the shack" He blurted out.

"What why? Are you ok?! What happened?" Dipper said, holding onto Bills wrists for reassurance.

"No time to talk, just go!" Bill yelled harshly, pushing the teenage centaur.

"No, Bill! Why do....." He stopped talking immediately, fear rushing through him. Hovering only a few feet behind Bill was Tad Strange, people collector extraordinaire.

"D-Dipper...." Mabel whispered in a weak tone, gripping harder onto her brother.

"Run you fucking idiot!" Bill yelled, shoving Dipper again. Bill whipped around, facing the purple demon who was now in human form. "Leave my boyfriend alone!" He hissed. With that Dipper took off, flying through the forest. Leaping over roots and rocks, he wasn't going to stop. After Shermy was taken by the demon a few weeks ago, the whole Pines family was on high alert. They knew any one of them could be next.

Back by the stream, Bill was dead. Not dead dead of course, no Bill of any version can be killed by a simple knife through the throat, but it was still enough to keep him down for a few minutes. Tad grinned as he watched Bills limp body fall to the floor, stirring up the dirt and dust even more. Blood leaking down the embankment and into the stream, faires and pixies both fleeing from the demons toxic blood. Tad turned, using his cane to push vegetation out of his way as he starts to follow the twins.

Dipper suddenly falls to the ground with a thud, his sister rolling off his back. He sits up with a groan, realizing one of his back hooves got tripped up by a root. "Shit" He whispers to himself, and quickly tries to untangle his hoof.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here" Tad coos, gently untangling a shaking Dipper, lifting the boy back to his "feet".

"Leave us alone!" Dipper squeaks, going over to his sister to get her onto his back again.

"I don't think so" Tad growls, using his powers to flick the two apart, "You're coming with me" He continues as he grabs Dippers arm.

"No!" His sister yells out, flopping over in an attempt to ward off Tad, or even for him to take her instead. Dipper struggling to get out of the purple demon's grip.

"Oh, but yes indeed," Tad says with a smirk, right as Bill bursts in through the bushes.

"Get away from him!" He demands, racing over to the two and leaping over the hurt mermaid.

Tad giggles, "Nope!" and disappears, taking Dipper with him.

Bill falls through the spot where they used to be, landing with a thud. He stares at the ground where they just were, frozen until Mabel touches his shoulder.

"We'll get him back, don't worry. Let's go find my grunkles. They'll know what to do" She reassures him, lip quivering in an attempt not to break down herself. She gives him a fake smile, and he replies with a nod.

"Y-yes.... they'll know what to do," He says, getting up. "Let's get you to some fresh water though, you must feel ill. You're starting to turn green" He states, noticing her tail turning an icky green.

She looks down, and nods weakly, flashing another smile "That's a good idea", and with that he lifts her, quickly walking to the shack to get her recovered and to talk with the Stans about a rescue plan.


IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I gotta figure out a schedule for writing T_T. Idk... yeah. Hope you enjoyed? Lol byyyye!!!

*whispers* remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold *screams* BYYYYYYYYYYYYE

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