Another Day

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I have free time, so just a short update of an average day for Dipper. A longer more interesting chapter should come in the next week as soon as I'm out of school. I broke my computer so I'll have to go to the library every few days until it's fixed. Sorry guys! Enjoy, my Ciphers! *snaps and poofs away*


Dippers P.O.V

My eyes flutter open as light leaks into my room through the curtains. I sit up with a groan. It was a comfortable bed, but mornings suck no matter what. I check the time, 6:30. That's more then enough time to make breakfast. I slip out of bed and groggily walk over to the closet. I open it, remembering how big it is. I shifted the collar on my neck, and walked in.

A few minutes later I came out with what seemed most comfortable for myself, but acceptable for Bill. A white dress shirt with a blue pine tree stitched into the collar, a plain light blue vest, and a pair of black booty shorts since there were no normal length shorts. Shocking. Who am I, Alois? I thought, remembering a character from an anime that Candy, Grenda, and Mabel watch. What was it... something with a butler? Oh! Black Butler! Yeah, that's it. 

I leave my room into the hallway and to the kitchen. Even though I'm wearing socks, the tiles chilled my feet. Is it not summer here? Does the Nightmare Realm even have seasons?

I open the fridge and look through the items. I can't do pancakes again, so maybe a breakfast burrito? That seems easy enough. I check the time again, 6:45. I have an hour and 15 minutes, maybe I should wait to start cooking? Yeah, it will be too cold by the time he is up.

I run back to my room and throw on some sneakers, and sneak out into the back. I might as well visit Moon-Rose before Bill gets up. Quietly shutting the door behind me, I walk down the path, it was way hotter outside than it was inside. I wipe off the beads of sweat that are already forming on my forehead and start to look around for Moon-Rose.

After probably 10 minutes of walking around with no luck, I call out for her. "Moon-Rose! You out here?" I say and look around. No response. I sit down on a rock and look into a koi pond, soft smile spreading across my face. Even if she isn't out here, it's still a nice garden. I watched as the fish swim around. Their glittery black, white, red and orange scales shimmering as the light hits them. They are so graceful, and so innocently oblivious to what happens on the land near them.

It was so peaceful watching the koi swim around, almost like I could ignore every problem in the world, until I was being pulled off the rock to the ground, landing with a thud. I squeak, being completely taken off guard. Next thing I know there is a crackling laugh and a black tail flying everywhere. I look over to the figure and realize that it's Moon-Rose who attacked me. I let out a small chuckle "So sneaky" I say as I stand, brushing the dirt off of myself.

Moon-Rose finally gets a hold of herself, floating straight in front of me so our eye levels match. "Sorry" She giggles, "You were so unaware of me. I had to!". 

I roll my eyes in a playful manner, "That's demons for ya" I laugh.

"How are you? Was Master Cipher mad after dinner?" She asked, her toothy smile dropping a little.

I shrug, "A little, but he didn't do anything about it" I lied. I don't want her to feel guilty, I hate making others pity me too. I start walking down the path and she follows me.

"Oh... sorry" She says quietly.

"Hey, don't worry about it. How was your night?"

"It was great, especially the dinner. But afterwards was great too!" She exclaimed, starting to drone on about every detail of her night, including the interesting butterflies she saw on a patch of daisies, and other creatures she saw. Eventually, we wrapped around the path and ended up next to the house again, I then realize I've been out of the house for a while and decide to interrupt her. I'd like to spend all day out here, but duty calls.

"Hey, I gotta head back in and make Master Cipher breakfast. If I'm free I'll come out again later, ok?" I explain. 

She nods, "Yep, don't wanna make him mad. See ya round Dip dop!" She says before flying away.

I smile softly at the name, she reminds me a lot of Mabel. "Bye!" I yell back, and head inside.

I walk inside and look at the clock and freeze, 7:50. Shitshitshitshitshit.

I rush and look into the cabinets hoping there was something quick, almost immediately my eyes land on a box of instant oatmeal. Not the best tasting, but it'll do for him. Not like he knows the difference anyways. I mix the contents of the package with some milk and throw it in the microwave. I throw out the wrapper, put the box back in the cabinet and the milk in the fridge. I hear the microwave go off, grab the oatmeal, putting it on the table and putting a few shakes of cinnamon on it before stirring it. It's steaming so it must be hot enough. I grab the orange juice from the fridge, pour it, putting the juice away right as Master entered the room. I turn to him and smile, "Good morning, Master Cipher" I say with a slight bow. "Morning Puppy," He grumbles, kissing my forehead, and sits to start eating.

The rest of the day went smoothly. I cleaned the kitchen and did a quick clean of the house. It didn't get dirty since the day before, so it was quick. Bill stayed home all day so I didn't go out to meet Moon-Rose, but he didn't bother me all day either. I made him grilled cheese for lunch, and steak burritos for dinner. After he went to bed, I did another quick check of the house, showered, and went to bed. I really hope it's always like this, and that tomorrow will just be another day.

---- Edited 9/10/18----

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