Operation Dipper - Part 1

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I'm so sorry this is late!! I'm also doing it in parts to torture you all. So... here's part 1!

Wendy's P.O.V
I sit up and stretch, and turn my head to the clock; 4 AM. Perfect. I'm currently at the Mystery Shack, and today Stan, Stan 2, Soos, Mabel and myself are rescuing Dipper. Stan 2, or Ford made me actually sleep last night. I'm angry though, I still haven't found a fool proof plan to kill the triangle. I'll just have to do it once he is here, too far away though.
I stand up and stretch, I have to be ready for today. I crack my neck and fingers, and start to get dressed. I slipped on my no sleeved plaid, and a pair of black shorts. I tie my hip long red hair into a thick bun, and slide it under my hunters hat that I got back from Dipper at the beginning of summer.
I walk out and go into the kitchen where Mabel already is making her Mabel juice. She turns and looks at me, a smile on her face. "Morning Wendy!" She basically yells. I can't help but laugh "I see someone's awake". She shrugs, and replies with "I'm just excited to get Dippy back". I nod just as Stan walks into the room, he has his brass knuckles on and his hair was slicked back. "Woah, someone looks like a bad ass" I say mockingly, and laugh. He rolls his eyes and walks over to the fridge, taking out a slice of cold pizza. He starts to eat it, and Soos walks in; and I'm surprised. He is wearing all black, and his shirt is tight to his body, and he has a dead stare. He has lost a bit of weight since a few summers ago, but he's still the hefty Soos we know. He walks in, his little hair poofing up. As he is walking over I can't help but stare "Damn Soos, I've never seen you so serious before". He sits next to us, and starts eating an apple, breakfast time for everyone I guess. "I just want to get Dipper back before that evil dude can do anything else" He said with a sigh. "Me too" I say as I take out some cereal and start eating, along with Mabel who pours herself a bowl. Finally, Stan 2 walks in. He's carrying a big case that probably has the gun in it. I look over and he smiles at me, "Good Morning everyone, ready to get Dipper back?" He says, and we all nod in unison but nobody speaks. Ford makes himself some cereal too, and once we all finish eating Mabel washes off the dishes. We gather in the living room, everyone ready to fight a giant shape.
We all sit down, and he opens up the case. The gun is in the shape of a triangle and looks hard to use. "Alright" He says, and takes all the parts out. "Wendy, pay attention" He says, and puts the gun together slowly, letting me watch each step. He takes it apart and gestures to it "You try. Once your through the portal you'll need to swiftly put it together". I go over and assemble it, stumbling only one time, which I quickly corrected. I disassemble the gun and put the parts away, and look up at Ford. He smiles slightly "Great, now once he comes through you need to hit him. I've managed to wire it so you have two shots, but after one he could easily end us all. Don't miss it" He says plainly. I nod firmly and stand "I won't miss".
-------------- Time Skip-------------
Fords P.O.V
We just stepped through the portal, and we're now in the laundry room. Everyone is invisible and I'm about to go up the ladder. I look around and shudder, this isn't the place I ever wanted to come back to. My brother looks at me sadly, and I reply with a small smile. I look at everyone, my hands on the railings of the ladder. "Stay quiet and stay safe" I say, and start to climb the ladder. At the top I open it and realize I'm under the bed, like it was for me. I never understood that positioning, but oh well. I roll out from underneath and exit the room, grimacing as I notice a pile of clothes with blood and other substances on them in the corner.
I exit the room and close the door as I hear a loud thud, like someone was being thrown, coming from the kitchen. "IM SORRY MASTER" I hear someone yell, it was Dipper. My face droops, Dipper what did you do. I hear a loud slap, and a soft sob. "Please" I hear Dipper whimper. I walk swiftly to the kitchen, knowing exactly how to get there. I turn the corner and see Dipper on the floor surrounded by glass and is holding his cheek, with Bill standing above him with his right hand extended. I look at the floor, and I recognize the dish he broke. An extremely rare, fragile, one of a kind dish that had mysterious powers given to the person who possesses it. I went through Hell to get it, for Bill to steal it and now for it to be broken. I sigh, and force myself to watch what will now unfold.
Bill raised Dipper up by his pet collar, and threw him on the glass. Dipper winced as glass wedged its way into him. "Master, please" He whimpered again, and I was ready to step in right there, but I knew I couldn't. I've been through this, I don't want Dipper to go through anything worse then what's to come.
---- FLASH BACK ----
Fords P.O.V
I look up at my Master, Bill Cipher. "DAMMIT SIXER, YOU BREAK EVERYTHING YOU SLUT" He yells as he picks me up by my wrist which was now bleeding from glass from the cups I broke. He dragged me along the floor to where he would beat and rape me, or what he called "The Playroom". It made me sick, but I had to do it for Stanley. Even if he never knows, I can't let him be hurt my petty thugs.
---- END FLASH BACK ----
Fords P.O.V
I watch as Dipper is dragged similar to how I was to the playroom, but before the door was shut I slipped in. I had to be there to interfere if Bill goes way too far. I stand in the corner now wishing I didn't enter as I look around. They're all new toys, Bill doesn't like to reuse; but they all still have the same purpose. Bill chains Dipper up to a pole in the center of the room (How Eren was in the court scene, for you AOT fans), and pulls out a whip. "Please don't hurt me" Dipper quietly says. Bill smirks, "Fine, I'll just go get one of your Uncles.... no" He laughs like a maniac "How about that sister of yours!" Bill snaps and Dipper was healed, and standing. "I'll be off then" Bill says, ready to snap. I need to stop him!
I go to take a step foreword, but Dipper moves before me. He raises his hand above Bills hand and looks him in the eye "No". Dipper then kneels down, with his head bowed. "Don't hurt them. Use me instead" He says without any quiver in his voice. I'm completely shocked, wow.....
Bill grins and snaps, making Dipper nude. I look away, not wanting to see my great nephew naked. "Well then, lets have some fun Puppy" He cooes, and I cringe. "Yes sir" Dipper replies.

Slave (BillDip - Smut // Currently being edited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ