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Sorry for not updating for almost a month..... poof poof magic, here's another chapter? Idek....

Dippers P.O.V

I slowly peel my eyelids open and groan at how bright the room is. "Dip n' dots?" I hear my sister say from her bed next, but closer? I sit up slightly and look over, her bed is right next to mine. "Morning Mabel" I say with a yawn and stretch. She smiles as if she just re-won Waddles. Speaking of Waddles, where is that pig? Next thing I know Mabel is standing next to me helping me up. "Mabel, I can stand by myself. I'm not Yoon Bum" I say and chuckle to myself."Yoon Bum?" She asks, which I reply to with "Character from a manga, read it while I was with-" And suddenly I remembered what happened the past few days. The room starts to feel like it's spinning and my head is throbbing,  my vision is blurry and I fall backward onto the bed, grabbing my head to stop the throbbing. "Bill!" I yell out. Is he dead? What happened to him? Is he stone? If he's stone I can just touch him and he'll come back. Right? He can't be dead, he can't be dead, he can't be dead. "HE CAN'T BE DEAD" I yell out and quickly shuffle to the corner of my bed against the headboard and wall. I pull my knees up to me and bury my head into them, wrapping my arms around them, trying to bring them closer. Without realizing it I'm trembling and rocking back and forth. "Dipper, hey Dipper" Mabel says calmly, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. "Breathe, just breathe" She whispers and slowly sits next to me. I can't, I can't breathe at all. I feel like I'm drowning on air, she grabs my hand and holds onto it firmly, "Breathe" She commands. I finally am able to take a deep breath, and it calms me enough so I can stop rocking and control my shaking. I close my eyes and take a few more deep breaths as she loosens her grip, and I take my head out of my knees. "Dipper, listen. You may feel like you need Bill, but you don't. He hurt you, do you want to be with someone who hurts you?" She asks, I don't reply. "Do you?" She repeats. I shake my head no. "Bill was controlling your thoughts. But he's not here anymore, you're free from him now" She tells me, and stands up, "Now, how about some breakfast?". I nod and she takes my hand on my good arm and helps me stand. She lets go once I'm up and hands me some pills. "Pain meds, for your arm" She explains. I swallow them dry and we start  to leave the room. Before we walk out I quietly whisper "Thank you". "No problem Dipping Sauce!" Mabel says loudly as she skips away and almost falls down the stairs.

Once I get to the stairs I can smell burnt vanilla, pancakes? "Doo da lee doo! Singin a song while I fry some cakes! Doo da lee doo!" I can hear Stan 'singing' in the kitchen. It's not even singing, it's more like a dying rat that can form words. I chuckle to myself at the lyrics and walk into the kitchen; Grunkle Ford is sitting next to Mabel, and Grunkle Stan is still singing and frying some Stancakes. I walk over to the table and sit next to Mabel leaving it so Grunkle Stan can sit next to his twin. "Good Morning Dipper!" Grunkle Ford says a bit too loudly, and I get a "Morning, kid" from Grunkle Stan. "Good Morning Grunkle...s" I say with a small laugh. Grunkle Stan hands everyone a plate and plops two pancakes on everyones plate. "Stancakes! They're faces!" Grunkle Stan exclaims as he sets the frying pan in the sink and finally joins us at the table.

I pick up the maple syrup and pour it over my pancakes then hand the bottle to Mabel. I stab the fork into the sad looking, hair covered, supposed smiley face pancakes and take a bite. They may look disgusting but they still taste great! I quickly finish one but then realize how full I am. I frown slightly, I used to be able to eat five of these at once and still be hungry. Grunkle Ford must've noticed this because he slid the Stancake onto his plate "Don't worry, your appetite will come back in no time" He says to me quietly with a chuckle. I smile a bit and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. 

Once I'm back from the bathroom I notice everyone's gone. "Grunkle Stan? Mabel?" I announce into the kitchen? "Oh, Dipper" Grunkle Ford says coming in from another room. "Stan and Mabel went out to the store, they'll be back later. We're going to the hospital now, though" He explains. "Hospital?" I ask, confused. Why do we need to go to the hospital? "Your arm? Isn't it broken?" He replies with concern. I look at my arm "Oh, yeah. I took so many pain meds I must've forgotten" I laugh awkwardly. He chuckles in response, "Alright, good excuse. Let's go before the medicine wears off" He instructs and walks out of the shack to his car. I follow him, locking the door behind me. We drive for a while before he speaks up, "So, Dipper", "Hm?" I look over to him. "What exactly did Bill do? How often? How far?" He states plainly. "What! I- um..... I don't really want to talk about it, aloud at least. It doesn't matter anyways" I quickly say and turn to look out the window. I see him frown in the mirror but I brush it off.

We eventually got to the hospital, and after them realigning my bones, which hurt like Hell, I got a yellow cast on it and we left. When asked what color I wanted it to be since they, shockingly, had multiple colors I first chose blue, like I do for most things; I decided against it though and went yellow. It's not that bad of a color, so why not? What's so bad about changing up the color once and a while?

After stopping for ice cream we got back to the shack. Great Uncle Ford immediately went down to the basement; I assume he's going down to do work. I flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. "Now starting our Ducktective marathon, it will go on all day and night. Don't move or you'll miss a big plot twist! No commercials!" The TV blasts out. Yes! Ducktective! I must've missed so many episodes!  The theme song starts blasting out and Great Uncle Ford walks into the room. "Dipper, I would still like to know what Bill did. You said you didn' want to speak about it aloud" He hands me a book. "Write down at least a few experiences in there, please. I need to know, trust me" I look up at him and nod. He gets the message and walks away, back into the basement. I turn back to the TV, happy for a distraction.

Slave (BillDip - Smut // Currently being edited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن