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Wendy's PoV
I throw a water balloon at Mabel, for it to hit her square in the face. Striking my most victorious pose, and reaching from deep down inside my voice I let out my call "VICTORYYYYY!!!"

She squeaked, "I've been slain!" Mabel grabs her neck and dramatically dies, after doing a few spins of course. Suddenly, Ford stands up, clearly upset. Whats his problem? We're only messing around. He has Mabel go over to him,  "Come here dear, stay away from the trees" He spoke gently. I look towards where he was staring, who the hell is that? "What do you want Cipher, you already took Dipper, what else do you want?!".

My eyes widen as I realize who it is. Bill Cipher? How the hell, he's not a triangle anymore!

The man pouted, and slumped over a bit "I need advice".

What the hell does a demon need advice on? 

"Advice? I-I'm good at advice" Mabel says, walking forwards a tiny bit, just for Ford to pull her back but she continues anyways "With what?"

Bill snapped and a chair appeared, along with a pen and paper. He sat on the chair, legs crossed, and sat up straight. "Pupppyyy" He whined, making Stan gag. If it wasn't for the fact that it could hurt Dipper, I'd smack the ever living crap out of him right now.

 "You mean Dipper?" Stan asks.

" No, I mean a bitch. Yes I mean Pinetree" Bill scowled before it turned into a laugh, "Well I mean, he is my bitch, but he isn't a female dog. So" he straightens the paper, "What foods does he like?".

Nobody replied until he rolled his eyes and stood, "Hey, I know your mad and all that fun stuff, but I asked for advice. I'm trying to make Pinetrees stay a little bit more, well.... bearable. I don't care, I'm just trying to" He paused for a split second, "Make his work ethic better. Ya know, so things get done. So either tell me or I'll make it utterly miserable for him". He slices his finger down, opening what looks like a cut between realities.

"No!" I shout without hesitation, "I mean, wait. We'll tell you what he likes, and stuff". He closes the portal and sits back down.

"Great, what foods does he like?"

Soos' PoV
I still can't believe Bill is here, and a human man. Wowza. I look around, we're currently on the topic of what he likes to eat and Wendy just mentioned tacos. He's not being completely honest about not caring, but whatever floats his boat I suppose. Hopefully what we say does help the little dude in some way.

-----Time Skip-----
I run up to Wendy once Bills left and we're inside, "Wendy, what's up with all this? This is crazy even for us".

"I don't know," She shakes her head, "But it's downright fucked up man. Taking Dipper as a slave?! This pisses me off big time. We need to get him back, fast" She pauses. "Who knows what he is doing to Dipper!?!!" She shouts, hands balling into fists by her sides.

"Yeah dude, I'm not just letting this down, we need him back. He is a part of the family" I reply. I'm not much a fighter, but a handyman has got to do what a handyman does to get his family back.

"I'm gonna go to bed for the night, I'm too tired for this See ya Soos," She says, waving goodbye. She heads upstairs since we are all staying in the house. We'll get you back Dipper, don't worry.

Wendy's PoV
I shake my head. I'm sorry you're still with him Dipper, but we won't rest till we get you back. You're family, and family doesn't get left behind. I crack open a book I stole from Ford, and read the title page. "Demons, how to stop and kill them".

----Edited 9/10/18----

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